Ukraine, Russia, and the West

From CD Projekt Red (The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077):

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But also I’ve read a dozen different tweets with different language about the jet-swap. Some say the ball is now in the US’ court. Like the US didn’t necessarily agree to swap 1 for 1 or something. Or we don’t like the use of Rammstein. Who the hell knows right now.

There’s definitely some negotiation using public opinion as leverage going on, otherwise they’d never be leaking this stuff. If we’re getting all this info in real time, it has to mean both sides are posturing over some sticking point.

Poland also gets two first-rounders and a third-rounder.


And a battleship to be named later


Ramstein - Air Base
Rammstein - Du, Du hast, Du hast mich


Oh noes, the Russians won’t be able to play Cyberpunk2077, how will they survive.

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I suspect the word give in the fighter jet story is doing some heavy lifting.

Right. That’s one of the sticking points. Poland doesn’t want to be seen as a direct combatant. I suspect the US, and probably Germany, would prefer not to involve Germany.

Meanwhile Russia is threatening to accidentally shoot down another civilian airliner.

A few moments later

Apparently the planes need to be de-NATOed (remove NATO-specific equipment) and of course painted. But first they need to get to Ramstein, which is not clear if it’s started yet.

Way more press releases than you normally see for a shadowy arms deal. It was especially nice of them to announce exactly where the deal’s going down.

Oh, well, now I’ll definitely stop boycotting Shell for all the Russian gas they bought last week.

Lol just kidding, go fuck yourself Shell.

I am still boycotting shell for Brent Alpha.

I’m not sure what you’re referring to?

Barkley smh.gif


Brent Spar, not Brent Alpha

In 1995 Shell wanteded to sink an oil rig platform in the Atlantic instead of decommissioning it.

“In order to avoid immediate escalation with Russia, these fighter jets should not be flown from a NATO member airport. There is a need for creative transportation.”

This seems like a stupid semantic point. Does Russia (or anyone) really care if the jets make a stop-over in a non-NATO country?

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