Ukraine, Russia, and the West

So you said lol but then you agreed with the comment.

Mearsheimer doesn’t want nuclear proliferation.

There is a difference between “wants” and “predicts”.

A nuked Ukraine would create post-Cold War type fears in quite a few places.

The never back down, never give an inch for a guy I doubt anyone knew much about before a few weeks ago is something you could do I guess.

Right, get back to me when you find him saying he wants every country in Latin America and Eastern Europe to get a nuke. He definitely said that it was a big mistake for Ukraine to give up its nukes, which seems prescient.

I guess this is the line Russia is instructing its assets to push now.


I mean it’s simple logic. Every country gets threatened at some point particularly smaller ones. The options are A. become a great power, B. make a deal with a great power, C. acquire the great equalizer, or D. risk annihilation. To me B seems like the clear and obvious choice, but you and him are arguing that B is actually very bad and C >> B. That only leads to one road.


This doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. He’s suggesting we train Ukrainian pilots to fly A-10s that we supply? Seems even less likely than the Poland F-16 MiG-29 deal. Lieu was in USAF, but he was a JAG officer.

He’s doesn’t “want” A, he just wants conditions where A is an inevitable outcome. This is clearly a difference that’s very important.

As always it depends on the context. Like Guatemala might get threatened by the US for whatever reason but they’re so poor they have no choice but do whatever USA#1 makes them. Would it make sense for Venezuela to get a bomb? Maybe, I don’t know. Probably not, a nuclear program is very difficult and expensive. And the US would go apeshit if we got wind of their program and invade. Poland and Estonia have a great deal with the US so there’s no need for them to try to get a nuke. Iran would be crazy not to try to get a nuke imo. Ukraine was too poor to ever get a nuke, and once they gave them up Russia would go apeshit if they started down that path, but should they have given up the nukes they had in 1991? Seems like no.

I’d be more worried about Putin launching a tactical nuke for the sole purpose of tanking world markets.

I am glad all the world’s leaders have the insights of UP’s greatest minds to help guide them through such a difficult and uncertain moment in history.


“The American People will not forget.”

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Ruble looking strong so far today

NOT confirmed

Whose helicopters were destroyed?


I have understood keeed and mearsheimer’s argument to also be that B > C, just that the “great power” they should have made a deal with was Russia, not the United States.

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