Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Serbia? South Africa?

Another idea I heard for desperation move is to use a tactical nuke in Ukraine to scare the shit out of everybody.

Make deals with Venezuela and Iran to replace Russian oil.

Seems to be in the works.

Yeah sanction everything.

This was the argument made against sanctions against South Africa, that blacks would end up paying the price.

The point of sanctions should be to wreck the economy in order to create an incentive to change, not to specifically induce an uprising. It maybe doesn’t work with a dictator who is willing to take a lot of damage. It doesn’t work if it’s not an international consensus. Arguably, apartheid was protected by the Reagan administration aiding the SA government and it wasn’t until Reagan was out of office and that lifeline retracted that South Africa suffered enough to induce change.

It’ll be the West’s fault for making Putin feel desperate, right?

This definitely seems like something somebody in his position might do. Really work to create the impression that he’s ready to destroy the planet if he doesn’t get what he wants. Like, if people actually believe he gets Ukraine or we all die…

Zelensky might even surrender faced with that.

I’m not willing to give Republicans a face-saving way to support Ukraine. Dems need to assert that Biden is president because Ukraine refused to engage in quid pro quo when Trump denied them aid.

Everything bad that happens is the West’s fault.

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Yeah and he can claim Hiroshima and Nagasaki as precedent.

But I think NATO attacks if he uses a tactical nuke. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re making that very clear to him through back channels. It seems like the right move for NATO would be to give Putin very clear red lines, but not do it publicly - to avoid showing him up or daring him.

I don’t think anyone really believes the chain of command would let him annihilate the earth unless Russia was being invaded and/or nuked.

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LMAO… KPMG has decided that Putin is ok, but Phil Mickelson is a bridge too far. Tough scene for Lefty!


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Should NATO go to war if Russia uses a tactical nuke in Ukraine?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Don’t know
  • Don’t care

0 voters

i doubt it. if they disconnected the russian subnet, starlink would still get traffic out to the greater internet. but (!) the satellite dish signal can be seen and found. hmmm. maybe even jammed.

re: Russia using nukes strategically, this is a good thread.

poll needs a “jesus christ, of course not, are you insane” option

If he uses a tactical nuke in Ukraine and that gets him a win, he would threaten to nuke Warsaw at a time of his convenience. You’re only going to delay a NATO - Russia war until it can be started on Putin’s terms. I really don’t see how that’s not crystal clear.

Btw Ukraine has no large armored positions or battleships to use a tactical nuke on. It would be a civilian terror nuke.

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