Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I didn’t post it but someone said that Putin can mimic and troll NATO by saying he’s doing peacekeeping in the independent areas and bomb Ukraine under the pretense of preventing them from committing genocide.

Maybe he’ll be satisfied for now with taking this bite out of Ukraine, but he could also use this to crowbar himself the rest of the way into Ukraine in a few days or weeks.

He’s going to wait until Ukraine fights back then use that as his excuse. It’s Bully 101.

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He’s certainly massively upped the chances of that happening.

Zelensky had an address to the country scheduled, he just cancelled it.

Probably needed some rewrites.

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There’s starting to be chatter on Twitter that he may have fled the country. Some US military helicopters went dark near the Poland/Ukraine border, and the assumption is they are in Ukraine. But they could also be getting American diplomats out of western portions of Ukraine.

If Ukraine doesn’t respond, he will just claim they did.

Four years of Trump enabled this.

My sister and niece in CZ aren’t worried either.


I’m guessing the second thing but maybe he plays like that then troops just hit the gas and keep going.

Holy shit if true.

I think it’s way more likely our aircraft are evacuating US diplomats and personnel, but CNN has reported today that the Biden Administration discussed a plan for Zelensky to evacuate the country if a full scale invasion happened.

From the other direction, if he leaves, no way Putin doesn’t go all the way.

For sure.

still can’t fathom thinking it’s funny to elect a comedian president when your neighbor wants to conquer you but thinking you’re never getting invaded by people who are clearly thinking of invading you and then it happens and you didn’t prepare and you’re fucked is a historical tale as old as time

So the worst that realistically happens is Russia extends its borders to the area of the former USSR.

It’s not desirable but certainly not worth WW3.

you mean to start? Worst case he goes full whatever russia had at one point

Putin isn’t a madman like Hitler or Saddam. He isn’t going to invade former Eastern Bloc NATO countries, for obvious reasons.

People who live in those countries understand this. People who live far away often don’t.

So NATO membership really is useless? Isn’t it a defensive treaty so former Soviet/Imperial states (in NATO) would have US/UK officially warring with Russia were they to be invaded?


This might be kinda a big deal to the people living in those countries.