Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Text messages and robo-calls. Also a really fascinating look into how the top Russia media mouthpieces are spinning this.

Khinshtein concluded that the aim of the ongoing offensive is to “cause the infrastructure to crash and the public to panic.” Soloviev chimed in to clarify: “We certainly understand that Ukrainians are not the ones doing that and our doctrine clearly describes cyberattacks as casus belli . So what are we waiting for?” Unsatisfied with just one war in progress, Soloviev is agitating for another—but in all fairness, he believes that Russia is already at war with the Western world. He exclaimed: “Our war is against the West—a big, serious war… Ukraine is a proxy through which the West is fighting against us.”

The impact of the war on Russia’s economic crisis is already starting to manifest, as the government and major supermarket chains have agreed to restrict the amount of food staples sold to each customer in an effort to limit hoarding.

Alexander Babakov, member of the State Duma, said: “The current situation can be factually characterized as war. An economical war, a battle for survival… Look at what the West is doing. It’s destroying all logistics, it’s destroying us economically… Let’s not be shy about it, we intend to win this war.”

The West is apparently attacking Russia for no reason!

Mikheyev added: “With all respect to our president, he always said that rising prosperity was the most important thing… Go ahead and explain, if the main thing in life is prosperity, then explain how we’re supposed to survive these sanctions.”

Without a hint of self-awareness, Soloviev boasted that he had no real concerns about the economic impact of Russia’s war against Ukraine—despite recently losing access to his two Italian villas, estimated to be worth a combined $8 million. The host bragged: “Myself, I’m well off.” He cackled: “I bought so much stuff in previous years that I don’t have to go to any stores for years to come.”

Even the most ardent Putin supporters sounded irritated with his government—not for waging war against Russia’s innocent neighbor, but for being unprepared to face the economic fallout. Andrey Sidorov, deputy dean of world politics at Moscow State University, noted: “Our government seems to be impotent. We’re never prepared for anything… How will people fix their cars without automobile parts?” Evoking the story of Cinderella, Soloviev bitterly pointed out, “And our phones are about to turn into pumpkins.”

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The image was first posted on Feb. 24 (the day Russia invaded) by Redfish, a Berlin-based media company that uses the tagline “Objective, but not neutral.” It brands itself as a community-based organization standing up for the little guy. A scroll through Redfish’s social media feeds for the last week shows a series of images and videos clearly designed for sharing by a left-wing audience; posts about African refugees stuck at the Ukrainian border, video footage of the Kyiv TV tower being hit by Russian missiles, or a video of students in Texas yelling “Fuck these fascists!” at an anti-trans candidate for the state House, make Redfish look like this is just another progressive media company pandering to liberals.

But, as the Daily Beast first exposed in 2018, the company is actually just another front for the Kremlin’s propaganda division. It’s staffed by former employees of the state-run outlet Russia Today (RT), which also broadcasts most of the company’s longer-form video output. (The production company that runs RT American shut down and laid off all its employees on Thursday.)

A few estimates in the replies that 50-60% of the Russian people believe the propaganda - FWIW.

Idk anything about golf or John Daly but the personal life entry on his wiki page is something. Example

In 2005, Daly sued the Florida Times-Union for libel after a columnist claimed Daly “failed the scoundrel sniff test.” A judge threw out the case in 2009, saying that Daly had failed to prove the basis of the libel claim: namely, that the statements were untrue. Daly was also ordered by a judge to pay the newspaper over $300,000 in legal fees.[86]

I don’t know anything about this mysterious elite except I’ve read/heard they are not the same as “the oligarchs” but a smaller, more tight-knit group that’s close to Putin.

NLAWs, RPGs, Bazookas and the like are designed to be basically recoilless, it’s why the back of the weapon is open and looks kind of like an old timey musket. You can see the exhaust gases coming out around :29 and :49 in that video.


Also their journalists. I mean … Kashoggi? Also any secular people. Also the millions of immigrant workers who are paid joke wages and die in truckloads due to terrible working conditions (see entire middle east).

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I’m seeing so many of these articles. Maybe I’m missing a segment of the community but every leftist I know loathes Putin and would never cheerlead war/death.

Right. But the propaganda is more subtle than that. It’s meant to equate what’s happening in Ukraine with say bombing in Syria (which is also largely Russian!) - in order to basically say everyone is bad, no need to get riled up about Ukraine.

Here’s a bunch of literal tankies protesting in London (notice the Soviet flags):

They’re against the war, but they’re also against NATO. So it’s a partial win for Putin by neutralizing the war down to a bad actor on the East vs. a bad actor on the West. NATO is not a bad actor in this!

I think it’s safe to say the Russians expected to be further along than this by now.

Meanwhile in Russian they’re seeing this:

Well it’s sad to see that. Obviously people making the point that all war action is awful to say dw about Ukraine (or Yemen or anywhere) are about 30 IQ people. I still see them as a, vocal, minority that people love to publicise (for obvious reasons).

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Something like this seems like a likely scenario. It seems doubtful the Russians are just going to accept defeat w/o trying increasingly more desperate moves.

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Various reports of Russians abandoning or destroying vehicles. If this is accurate, I wonder about the mechanics. 10 day on foot mud hike to Russia, give up and be a pow, coordinate with Ukraine forces? Doesn’t seem like good options for surrender unless there’s an organized pow system and camps.

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That’s a hell of a quote. Once again someone else is saying what I’ve been trying to argue itt, but much more succinctly.

I assume the POWs are all being shipped off to somewhere far West where they’d be nearly impossible to liberate.

Just watching the news on refugees. Many of them children. However this ends, a whole generation of Ukranians is growing up with the experience that Russia is the reason they were seperated from their fathers - often from both parents - and they are being welcomed with open arms in Europe.
I don‘t See how this ends without whatever is left of Ukraine joining the EU.

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i just can’t get over so much of this war. The fact that it’s being livetweeted, tiktoks everywhere, videos everywhere, it’s crazy.

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