Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Post Ukraine war, Mearsheimer’s theories are useless.

  • NATO expansion is happening at an even faster pace. And on steroids. Countries are increasing defence spending by 50-100%. Non NATO countries are pounding on NATO’s door for membership.
  • We are actively bankrupting Russia’s economy and isolating them even further.
  • We are directly funding lethal modern weaponry to Ukraine.

So Russian appeasement is basically no longer relevant in any future discussion.


I took this to mean roll over.


I don’t think so. I’ve never seen him talk about what he thinks a war between Ukraine and Russia would look like, just that Ukraine would get wrecked ultimately. I don’t think it’s clear if Russia is on track to accomplish their objectives in the war or not.


That will only happen if they don’t get help from NATO.

Which is why it’s really really important for their interests to not get any help from NATO.

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You’re saying that

I’m asking you what you want the US to do. I’m saying the US is powerless to do anything, which is why it was wrong to lead the Ukraine down this path in the first place. Basically, this:


This could be huge. I’d really like to see Venezuela emerge out of sanctions. What we did to that country is unconscionable.

Yes I know we’re talking about doing the same thing to Russia. But we’re not at war with Venezuela and those poor people have suffered for a long time.

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No - like most military experts (and not saying he is one) he expected Russia to win in a few days (or at least relatively quickly with losses that were not significant).

It would be interesting to see how his view would change if he knew that the actual state of Russia’s military/Ukraine’s ability to resist.

I think right now it’s easy to say Ukraine was right to cozy up to the West since it seems they might actually win, but in a scenario where Russia rolls Ukraine in a week, rounds up and slaughters lots of the people that opposed them, is everyone still going to say that they made the right decision?

As ever, the fatal flaw of consequentialism is that you can’t actually predict the consequences of actions with accuracy.


I’m willing to say that decision is up to them, and if they reach out to the West we can’t shun them. They’re the ones who stand to suffer the worst, and they know that. So let’s not try to decide what’s best for them.

*Unless we all die in a nuclear war of course.

If Ukraine brings down Vladimir Putin’s rule would you think differently?

Who replaces Putin?

I hope he’s nice!

Which is to say, regime change in Russia is not something I hope for or want to see happen.

I am talking the Russian people, in face of all these economic sanctions, remove him personally after he fails in Ukraine.

I thought that was supposed to happen last week.

I don’t disagree with this. If Ukrainians thought that aligning with the West was worth the price of a potential war with Russia, that was their decision to make.

I just hope that we were honest with them with respect to the support they could expect if war did happen and based on prior US history I have lots of reasons to doubt that. I think the US/NATO was likely very happy to court Ukraine and make lots of promises, knowing that if the worst actually happened, it would be Ukraine and not the US that paid the price.

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Enemies of yesterday becomes today’s best friends.