Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Problem it that it likely wasn’t possible in 2018. Putin tells his Florida Man puppet to block it.

Yep, and this time he decides it suddenly is okay to moralize is the only non-obvious part of his pontificating. Which is why it ended up in the useful idiot pipeline that washed up on our shores.


Newton’s 2nd Law dressed up with some flowery academic language.

Are we sure it isn’t a plant? Cops “finding” THC oil seems just as sus for Russian cops as it would be for American cops.

Some hopium and why I think Ukraine will win this war and deliver a crushing defeat:

  • Constant and non stop resupply of high tech weaponry from the west being trucked in from Poland every hour of every day. Some smaller airports in Poland are getting 14 large cargo planes a day. Imagine what the larger airports are doing cargo wise.
  • The west is ramping up its weaponry deliverables every single day. There will be no shortage there.
  • Russia has no air superiority and cannot bomb supply lines in the west.
  • High tech weaponry from the west are extremely effective against Russian airforce.
  • Same high tech weaponry is making Russian tanks near useless and Russian convoys are sitting ducks.
  • This is starting to look a lot like Germany vs Russia in WW2. As Germans got deeper into Russia, Germans had longer and longer supply lines that were constantly disrupted. Germany could not target weapons factories in Russia which were in the far east. Bombing and killing Russian civilians didn’t tilt the war in German favour.
  • As long as Ukrainians continue to receive all this high tech weaponry, the war will continue.
  • Putin can / will counter with devastating bombardment of civilian cities (which he is already doing), however civilian lives don’t quite change the calculus. Germans in WW2 switched from bombing airfields and factories in England to bombing London. That allowed England to rebuild their airforce and continue the fight and eventually establish air dominance.
  • Russia doesn’t have time on its hands to prolong and starve out Ukraine.
  • Russia supply issues only get worse over time while Ukrainian supplies to their armed forces grows every hour.

Yes but the connotation behind the term victim blaming is that it’s wrong and bad. So if you call someone’s argument victim blaming that is basically a way of saying they shouldn’t make it.

If someone does, then it’s your job to point out the distinction and why the general connotation doesn’t apply in whatever case you are talking about. That’s how arguing works.
That’s kind of what you did, so if you’re just annoyed that you have to bother to do it, I’m not sure what to tell you. That’s how internet shitposting works (and sometimes arguments in real life as well).

Turkey might have a problem with one of those.

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Yeah, a setup is definitely a possibility.

I’m not annoyed necessarily, I’m just saying a thing.

What is the correct way to point out when someone is making an argument that is wrong and bad?

Baltics plz

Let’s not attack a country that borders mine

Also, I doubt he’ll attack a NATO country if he struggling this much with Ukraine.

The U.S. fracking industry is licking its chops at this crisistunity. Between shipping gas to Europe and increasing fertilizer production domestically, they are back in business.

This is an insane word salad of pseudo understanding. Not one part is accurate.

Russian intelligence is sabotaging internet via satellite provider Viasat (US) which is also used by Ukrainian armed forces.

i was seeing that this happened like 3 weeks ago before all of this, and she’s been held since…

and the news is just suddenly now getting out.

Would it be possible to have a “Origins of Russian Invasion of Ukraine” thread that is separate from “News About Russian Invasion of Ukraine”? Worked pretty well w the COVID threads.


this is sort of what I had put together from context, thanks

Shit bro I know what it’s like.

You post a quality article and everybodysylike wtf is that shit.

It’s almost impossible to post anything abput Prague MN in English without it suck in ng.

@anon38180840 vindicated

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