Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Realistic-sounding but depressing thread.

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Can’t wait for people to criticize Ukraine for prolonging suffering by not surrendering in an obviously lost war.

Or perhaps use the translate function built in

Yeah. But that translates one tweet at a time as opposed to the whole thread. This thread isn’t that long so not a big difference I guess.

This is a good summary of where things seem to stand aorn, from some guy who teaches war stuff at King’s College London.

ur boi Keeed is already here.

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This is a fascinating thread from reddit and lends credence to a lot of the “Russian Army in disarray” stuff that’s been coming out


Great thread about the propaganda being fed the Russian soldiers that they would be greeted as liberators.


TIL that I had more shooting experience at 12 than a Russian conscript has now.


terrible person you hate yada yada

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On only firing six bullets during training:

“We were told that ammo IS expensive, but I believe there was also a feeling that it was dangerous to give conscripts ammo. There were several mass shooting in military bases in the pasts, all conducted by victims of hazing. Instead of stopping hazing, commanders stopped giving ammo to conscripts”

yeah, that tidbit blew my mind.

I was a literal Power Point ranger in the Air Force, and I still had to get my handgun qualification every 2 years. That included several hundred rounds of practice and the test.


Oh yeah hazing is fuckedddd in the Russian army if I recall. Makes other armies look good which is shocking.

I mean I don’t think I should be that surprised. When I taught in China, my students had to do mandatory military training and they also only shot a few bullets out of an AK as a part of it.

I think I’m more surprised that they’re on the front lines right now. I mean with their experience, they’re essentially meat shields.

Humor I found on Russian language reddit type site. I’m using crome translate function.


I also noticed that an idle game I play changed one of its items from Russian hat to Ushanka hat.

The latter is the more correct name but I find these small changes funny. Kind of like that time french fries became freedom fries.

More humor posts from the Russian reddit-like site. It’s obviously monitored and censored but you can read between the lines.

Interesting point from Reddit thread.

"“Nazi” doesn’t mean “anti-semitic fascism” in Russia, it means “hostile to Russia”.

It’s used to evoke the memories of Stalingrad, not concentration camps."