Ukraine, Russia, and the West


According to some third tier media sources the Russian plan would be for victor yanakovich to return to power in Ukraine.

File that under jobs I wouldn’t want.

actually, the funny part is that this is not the only video i’ve seen in which multiple orcs with a crowbar cannot break a lock into a convenience store.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1499160681106612235|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

Massie is the mega libertarian weirdo right? Gosar gotta be Russian agent. Who is the other guy?

Not sure how seriously to take this.



Think the other guy is the lone rep from MT.

Maxim Mironov makes a good point. a country of 140m has been effectively shut out to world food trade. it will get bad fast. they probably didn’t stock up on anything, but even if they did putin isn’t going to feed anyone. even if no rockets ever fall on russian soil, but putin isn’t deposed, there will be millions trying to leave russia, and they can no longer fly. i read somewhere that price of food correlates with mass protests.

it’s revolt or die.

I’d take it very seriously, and the Finnish analogy seems apt.

A lot of military stuff seems to revolve around stupid technical stuff, like supply lines and preventative maintenance. Autocratic leaders are good at military stuff in exactly the same way Trump was good at business stuff. Big talk, splashy staged events, hype, piss poor execution. Seeing things like this, long expired MREs, to say nothing of generalized intelligence failure, suggests that all this has really been a show for Putin, and not a show to take on the road. It’s fyre festival stuff. See also 1905 Russian navy vs Japan.

Russia has “won” wars, when it has, by fighting with overwhelming manpower and being “willing” to accept mass casualties. That’s all great, and it may work, to an extent, vs cheycnia or Georgia, but modern war is not coal mining or steel making, it’s running a modern organization with a focus on logistics.

You cannot throw logistical problems into the maw and shoot them if they retreat. You need intelligence, planning, and positive and negative information moving constantly up and down the chian to identify and solve problems. Egos have to be sublimated, and corruption gets discovered if problems are consistently identified and addressed. Modern war isn’t really suited toward autocratic states, at least not corrupt ones where identifying problems is dangerous to one’s health and standing.

One reason I think an accidental nuclear war will happen eventually is because of things like this.


In Chrome you can right click and select translate. I don’t think I have any extra extensions for that.

Screenshot 2022-03-02 193505

Russia is a large exporter of wheat.

gosar isn’t a russian agent in that way, he’s just nuts and his entire family hates him so much they did a commercial


I think the shipping sanctions exclude food and medicine.

well now they’ll eat about as much of it as the USSR.

It’s worth noting, however, because this issue is just a random audit that suggests generalized organizational failure.

I read some NATO academic saying Russia wasn’t regarded so much as an organized threat in ground fighting, so a lot of their planning dealt with how to handle things after Russian attacks were disrupted.

Your pony has a flat tire.

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I have a transcript.

Russians: “We demand your unconditional surrender.”
Ukrainians: “Nah, we demand your unconditional withdrawal.”
Russians: “OK, see you Friday.”