That’s not true. Article 26 only states that the German government has to permit the sale, manufacture or transport of any weapons that can be used to wage war. Germany has been a large weapons exporter for a long time.
i see. i was probably confusing constitution vs law and policy. i’ve heard this so many times on the russian/ukranian streams, and nuances dont always translate well.
powerful. Ukraine calling on Red Cross to take the dead russian soldiers bodies back to russia.
obv cannot trust putin enough to give the bodies to his generals.
Украина обращается к Красному Кресту.
Тысячи российских солдат лежат мертвыми на территории Украины. Командование российскох войск отказывается забирать убитых российских солдат.
Украина просит Красный Крест вывезти тела российских солдат в Россию.
Ау, ванюшки, вы же понимаете, что вас отправили на убой. И что всем наплевать на то, где и как вы будете похороненны. УБЕГАЙТЕ и сложите оружие.
I assume these Russian reconnaissance individuals will disguise themselves as Ukrainians and attempt cause as much mayhem and distrust amongst the Ukrainians as possible
You’d have to figure out a way to completely block out the sky.
stfu cryptonazi! that information is going straight to vsu and noone else
you can jam it. phone gps famously doesn’t work around the kremlin
Musk’s not a big fan of the Russians after they refused to sell him old ICBMs to use as launch vehicles so he might be willing to help out with the Starlink stations at least.
i’ve seen enough. putin is going to lose. ukraine is going to win.
Reminds me of an old Russian cold war joke.
Nah USA can just turn gps off. I’m guessing Russia has something else though
Edit: Glonass is the Russian equivalent, and because I’m 5 that made me laugh
you’d be surprised
About the nuclear threat. If no one ever threatens Russia’s borders or attacks inside Russia, but just uses force to defend NATO countries or whatever, is there really any more justification for Putin to launch nukes than for him to just launch them out of the blue?
Embarrassment from losing?