Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I remember most of the Mormon kids I went to school with would always say poo or poopy instead of swearing and I found it way more vulgar than the word shit.

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Yep. That’s actually who sprang to mind first.

Not how I see it, and I read the entire exchange. His point when addressing an actual poster was literally not to try and paint America’s actions as altruistic and not to criticize without accepting the reality of what America also engages in. Sounded to me like he also fully accepted that the British Empire engaged in all kinds of nasty shit that was wrong.

His initial criticism was of America itself…

What if I’m talking to my puppy?

I suppose that warrants a downward departure. 10 years.

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there will be public unrest and celebrations in the streets that he died. it will quickly be followed by internal conflicts within russia. there will be a mad dash from within putin’s circle to fill his position. some will flee to the west, because losing in that power struggle will mean death or imprisonment.

in general, there will be competing movements to both strengthen AND pivot away from the power verticals that putin created, and a realignment between the different enforcement agencies. the casual western observer doesn’t realize that the army, ministry of interior, russian guard, FSB/GRU, prison system are all different agencies within russian government, with separate agendas. they will try to take each other out, and/or make others subservient.

some regional governors will likely may a play themselves. if there is a power struggle in moscow, it is very likely independence-oriented regions will ramp up separatism, places like Chechnya, Dagestan, Khabarovsk, Krasnodar. I can’t speak about China’s possible aggression, but whole regions in Siberia are concerned about China’s encroachment.

in the meantime, while the power struggle in Russia is occurring, Ukraine and the rest of former republics will have a 2-5 year window to be able to join the EU/NATO with little that Russia can do to stop them.

Cambodia man. Not even Vietnam.

Between 1965 and 1973, the U.S. dropped 2.7 million tons of explosives – more than the Allies dropped in the entirety of World War II – on Cambodia, whose population was then smaller than New York City’s.

That includes the atomic bombs.

Proxy wars in South and Central America, direct invasion of Panama, Libya, etc. etc. etc. Iraq, Iran.

We trained and armed the side that was murdering hundreds of thousands of Mayan villagers.

because we wanted cheap labor and imports of natural resources and agricultural products

people are conflating NATO and US here. while US has certainly done its share and more of war crimes since ww2, the same could not be said about NATO. like Canada refused to help US in Vietnam and Cambodia. i don’t know if or when US requested NATO to get involved, but they would have had no consensus, and obviously should have never started the SEAsia conflict. if you can’t convince your 20 closest allies to do something, probably a good indication to reverse course.

precisely why a treaty limiting military involvement is a good idea to have everywhere.

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He specifically asked what the US has done that’s as bad as what Russia has done/is doing with Ukraine since WWII. Nobody is conflating all of these actions with NATO imo.

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you are conflating the issue that Ukraine wants to be a part of NATO, with what US has done on its own because NATO would not support its mission. they are not the same thing, and thus Ukraine is not going to become just a proxy-soldier for the US in order to attack Russia.

No I meant how is Putin supposed to die in time to stave off Ukraine being the stage for a long proxy war where tons of civilians are likely to die?

“Opponents describe the site as pro-Russian and financed by Russians.”

Jbro isn’t conflating anything. He’s responding directly to Malfi’s post. Malfi wasn’t conflating things either, and was part of a tangential discussion.

All of which is despicable and none of which equates to literal annexation of a portion of a country, not to mention what is going to happen if Putin actually invades. We could see a million lives lost before this is over. And for what? Because people aren’t taking this fucking dictator seriously enough? He doesn’t want Ukraine to be part of NATO? Wtf would they want to be part of NATO? Precisely because this butcher asshole wants to get the USSR band back together!

No, the conversation went beyond NATO to a discussion of Russian and US transgressions since WWII.

Sure. And we are basically powerless to stop it without very likely seeing hundreds of thousands (or a million) civilian casualties. I’m not saying anybody has to like the facts, we just have to accept them. Just saying “no stop” isn’t going to cut it. It was pretty easy to see that continued eastward expansion of NATA would lead to exactly this. Versus an admittedly status quo of Russian puppet and pseudo puppet states.

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