Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

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In the medium term, if the Ukrainians are able to retake the island and base Neptunes there, it will be a lot harder for Russia to maintain their blockade. Ukraine
would be able to cover a corridor from Odesa to Romanian waters.

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Sounds reasonable but if the Russians can’t establish something permanent there I don’t see how the Ukrainians could. If they choose to, the Russians can destroy anything based there with little risk to themselves using long range missiles.

The 2+2 SE Politics thread has two regs who have bought the “Ukrainians are fascists” line.[](

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chernobaevka spinoff

May 9th is officially past us. I’m glad there was the bare minimum to discuss, almost too quiet.


Putin may still announce a full or partial mobilization in the future and has not given up his ability to do so. May 9 would have been an opportune time to announce a new policy or declare victory in Ukraine, but the Kremlin was certainly not bound to this date. Putin may also pursue a more covert mobilization, such as forcing conscripts into contract soldier positions or forcing public servants into conscription, to avoid the likely backlash to a larger-scale mobilization effort.

That level of investment is unlikely to be sufficient to achieve the Kremlin’s objectives for the current, second phase of the war (capturing the entirety of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts and holding its occupied territory in southern Ukraine). However, it is unclear if the Kremlin understands that reality, and the war remains likely to protract


A Canadian foreign fighter’s experience.


Two Russian journalists post anti-war messages on pro Kremlin website.
Pro-Kremlin News Site Flooded With Anti-War Articles on Victory Day (

Belarus is saying they’re moving more artillery and aircraft defense to the polish border because of nato buildup. Seems like an awfully convenient way to not have troops available for Ukraine imo.

via cnn.

us intel apparently confirmed 8-10 generals speculations

Ukraine has killed between “eight and ten” Russian generals during the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier, the head of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday.

US officials have closely watched the climbing number of general officer deaths in the Russian military — an unusually high number for a modern military that far outstrips the number of US generals lost during 20 years of conflict in Afghanistan.

Some US officials have attributed that atypically high figure in part to the intelligence support provided by the United States, while others believe it is because Russian generals are being forced to operate far more forward in the conflict zone than would normally be expected in order to motivate their troops.

“Does the fact that Russia is losing all these generals suggest to you that these generals are having to go forward to ensure their orders are executed?” Arkansas GOP Sen. Tom Cotton asked.

“Yes,” DIA head Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier said.

Overall, Berrier said that Ukraine is better poised to field motivated soldiers in the conflict — even as its military is far smaller than the Russian force.

“I think the Ukrainians have it right in terms of grit and how they face the defense of their nation,” Berrier said. “I’m not sure that Russian soldiers from the far-flung Russian military districts really understand that.”

It’s important to have fun at your job.


As much as we hate eDems, if Trump had successfully stolen the election then support for Putin would be official Republican party doctrine.

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