Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

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Mearsheimer said Russia isn’t land grabbing.

Well that settles it. No way the Pentagon would be less than 100% forthcoming to the press about what intelligence they are or aren’t giving.

Sounds to me like they’re saying they aren’t doing assassinations. The line is kind of hazy.

now you guys get it. how can even a nuclear power win a war with command structure like this?

So Peskov didn’t think there’d be an invasion when it was so obviously justified, necessary, and ready to go? Yeah ok, bub.

I assumed he wasn’t part of the very small group, but maybe he was.

For those who think oil and gas were the primary motivation for the invasion, here’s something to consider: Putin has not been able to grab many additional oil and gas fields, and some of those he now holds would be in Ukrainian artillery range if he tries to draw lines where he’s currently sitting. Good luck developing those fields.

If oil/gas is what he wants, he’s got little to show for trashing his economy and military. If he wants to change that, he’ll have to continue the war. And probably escalate it.


Map Source

And they withdrew from the fields west of Sumy that they held.

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They got nothing on the Chinese.

Yeah, Putin is going to trust this thing with his life. :roll_eyes:

Biden: Hey Vladimir, this is Joe. Joe Biden. Hey, listen, since we got this nuclear war thing going on I just wanted to check on something with you. You got Prince Albert in a can?

In December 2020, Russian media reported that radio communication equipment had been stolen from one of the Il-80s while it was undergoing maintenance.

Article with some historical context on offensive vs defensive advantage.


My thoughts were he wanted to install a puppet government so he could extract most of the oil and gas revenue out of Ukraine through corruption.

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I think you guys aren’t even aware of how this thread sometimes sounds like we’re discussing HOI IV strategy.