Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

  • The maneuver also requires a certain amount of time – 30 days in which the House is in session – before it can be forced to the floor.

And they aren’t even clear on what bill they want to bring. Unless Johnson caves, which I don’t think he will, it’s not looking good.

14 planes downed since mid-February, allegedly.

kinda wild speculation here, at least without any way of watching the defense minister’s words in their entirety. but the big rumor is that he let it slip f-35 proved itself well in ukraine. the scenario would basically go that f-35’s in stealth mode fly far enough over black sea and ukraine to be invisible to russian radars, but providing its far longer range radar data to a patriot battery on the ground, deployed in a novel offensive way. that would basically explain how russia’s su-35 and a-50s may have been hit so far from the front.

An F-35 using its targetting radar is no longer in stealth and not only visible to the Russians but also identifiable. At that point it can just launch the missile itself as the Russians would consider both a hostile act anyway. So I have serious doubts about that theory.

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f35 uses a narrow beam targeting radar, as well as TWS, which lowers the chances of it being visible to the already diminished russian radar network over the black sea. i can imagine a50 will detect a targeting radar, but f35 would already fire a missile at either su35 or a50 before it was discovered. that’s basically in every f35 description, as well as its ability to widen the coverage of patriot radar. thus i don’t think it’s that far fetched.

there’s a huge difference between doing reconnaissance and firing a shot in terms of being hostile. remember when russian fighters decided to dent an american operated reaper drone propeller to bring it down?

The targeted plane knows it was targeted by the F35 and most likely has enough time to call that in before going down. It is also a hostile act from the F35 to do this even if the missile comes from a Ukranian manned Patriot battery. If NATO is willing to do this then just take out those planes directly using F35s. I wish NATO would just do that but doubt they did.

ok ill bite. how would it know it was an f35? f35 targeting is equivalent to ATPs currently flown on many coalition jets, eg f16, tornado. afaiu it’s a pod that can mount on a lot of aircraft, although it is integrated into the f35.

russian military had been regularly throwing in fake news about f35’s target locking its jets in syria, yet approximately zero western outfits could confirm enough to reprint. it’s clear locking on radar is not the same level of hostility.

Because they get targeted from a location their own radar fails to detect an aircraft. Locking a radar to actually guide a missile no matter where that missile is fired from is an hostile act.

f35 launches missiles that have their own guidance, it doesn’t need to paint the target. patriot systems use airborne radar to extend their initial target acquisition, but it is the patriot radar set that guides the missiles.

Not sure what the argument is here. If an F35 extends a patriots range then the targeted plane will detect that and will know it was done by a stealth plane as nothing shows on its own radar. If a missile suddenly targets a plane without whatever launched it showing on its radar it will know it was fired by a stealth plane. Both are hostile acts by NATO as Ukraine doesn’t have stealth planes. Odds of either of these happening in Ukraine are extremely unlikely. Feel free to agree to disagree.

20 and 21 might not be totally unrelated. Road death rate in the USA is more than 5x Japan’s. Combine that with homicide and USA even has a slightly higher suicide rate and you’re talking young people dying which has a big effect on life expectancy average and it might not be so much about health care or diet or whatever.

1 of 4 of these patrol boats

Everyone knows the patrol boat is the hardest one to find, it only takes up two squares on the board. I like to hide mine somewhere near a corner, like maybe J6 and J7.


I thought those were destroyers. But I’m like Columbo, don’t even know the difference between a boat and a ship.


It looks like Ukraine may have lost as many as 3 Patriot missile launchers. You’d have to expect they lost personnel too. Not good.

they just can’t keep these birds in the air it seems

This is fascinating.

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Is that real? How does anyone get away with recording something like that?

It’s from a French documentary that came out in 2022. So yeah I assume it’s real.

Fascinating to see how world leaders actually talk to each other in tense situations.