Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

“Analysis of secret data” says it all imo.


9 choppers - not sure that equates to the single worst day in Russian Air Force history

The variant delivered to Kyiv carries cluster munitions which release hundreds of small bombs from the air rather than a single warhead, AP reported.

Cluster munitions are controversial and are banned by more than 100 states due to their threat to civilians.

Assuming this guys knows his stuff.

short history for the Russian Air Force


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Such absurd clickbait, worst losses of Russian aircraft since WW2 when they lost like 20,000 aircraft. Some WW2 comps are fine, there are aspects of this war that deserve the ‘worst x since WW2’ but not stuff like this.


Somebody is busy cutting gas and communication lines to Estonia.

Fire up the Hersh signal!

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It’s amazing how coverage of Ukraine has basically dropped to 0 on mainstream media.

I’m kind of amazed it lasted as long as it did tbh.

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Am I the only one who has no idea what the mainstream media is covering except for when new service clips are posted on sites like this?

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Yeah that too. But I also get lots of apple news notifications (like 10-20 a day) and kind of judge based on that.

We need a new shiny object regularly or we get bored.

This is the best discussion and analysis I’ve seen on Putin’s understanding of the world and Ukraine. About an hour long.

It’s the sort of actual analysis that demonstrates how superficial the understanding of people like Merschimer is.


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Putin probably not dead. Oil dude dead though.


Unusually among Russian companies, Lukoil took a public stand over Moscow’s operation in Ukraine. In a March 3 2022 statement, the company’s board of directors expressed its concern over the “tragic events” in Ukraine and called for the “earliest possible end to armed conflict” via negotiations.

The statement remains on the company’s web site.

The Estonia pipeline and cable deal is complicated. The likely culprit is a Chinese ship but there is a Russian connection. Stories in Swedish but translate works.

The newspaper Helsingin Sanomat drew attention to the matter in its report already on 11 October . Open sea traffic data shows that the ship passed above the Balticconnector pipe at the exact moment a loud noise was recorded from the area around the pipe.

The image shows that the ship’s port anchor is missing and some of the containers being transported on board are tilted.

He points out to Yle that there is no way it would go unnoticed if the anchor were accidentally lowered.

It rattles and shakes everywhere in such a way that it is felt in every cell, says Heikkilä.