Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Russia controls the plant and Ukraine isn’t active around it so, just like the dam, if something bad happens, going with the simplest explanation, such as the people who control the power plant probably did something to it, is most likely to be correct.

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There are plenty of ways to sabotage the plant without a large scale radiologic release, like stealing key equipment.

One thing to keep in mind is the main reason the front near the plant was quiet is the reservoir prevented large scale amphibious operations. That reservoir is now gone.

Here’s another type of weapon we said we weren’t going to send. Over 100 countries have signed an agreement to not manufacture or export cluster munitions. Not signatories: The US or Ukraine

Also, bypassing US law

“Biden will overrule statutory restrictions imposed by Congress on exporting munitions with a greater than one percent “dud” rate – the munitions the US is set to provide may have a dud rate of up to 2.35%, Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said on Thursday. Biden will invoke section 614 of the Foreign Assistance Act to waive those restrictions, a defense official said, which allows the president to provide foreign aid regardless of export restrictions if it is in the national security interest of the United States.”

And just for a little both sidesism, also not a signatory to the international agreement: Russia

“A higher dud rate means more of the small bomblets scattered by cluster munitions fail to explode on impact, posing a risk to civilians who may encounter them later. Ryder said the Russians have been using cluster munitions with a dud rate of as high as 40%.”


Exile isn’t what it used to be.

This makes the point better.

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I oppose this, but not any more than I oppose all the weapons we’ve sent Ukraine. Both sides used all the cluster weapons they had already. Western Ukraine is going to be the most heavily mined place on the planet for the next several decades. Hopefully I guess, I don’t know. But both sides have been heavily deploying artillery mines. That is, artillery rounds that deploy by design mines that will lie dormant until stepped on or rolled over. An attack from the Russians happens and the Ukrainians fire some artillery mine rounds behind the attacking force. That’s the tactic. Both sides are using it, and it’s legitimate as far as I can tell from the laws of war. So will cluster bombs add to the unexploded ordinance? For sure, there’s a 2% or 5% or 30% dud rate depending on the circumstances and who you ask. Add that to the designed 100% dud rate of the countless mines that are currently being deployed there.

Cluster bombs now? Biden, the US and its approving allies are fucking atrocious.

Zelenskyy went to Snake Island for the 500th day (video).

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Are russians using cluster bombs?

Totally great reason to escalate the race to the bottom of human behaviour.

Ever heard of Laos? A friend of mine lived there for a while, in a tree house, where a lot of Laotians live because unexploded bombs from the carpet bombing 50 years ago still detonate and kill people regularly.

That’s what the US will do to parts of Europe. Thanks, USA!

Russia should then stop using them.

US using cluster bombs will make Russia stop using them? That’s an original line.

I mean, the plan to get Russia to stop using them is to drive them out of Ukraine and admit Ukraine to NATO, but since this is all America’s fault anyway, we should instead just stand back and watch as Russia eliminates Ukraine as a country and a culture and a people one chunk at a time.

Which wasn’t Russia’s aim, but seeing as how you only learned to place Ukraine on a map about 18 months ago you can be forgiven for talking nonsense I suppose.

I support backing Ukraine, but the idea that that support must include supplying them things like cluster bombs to use is dumb.



Hahahahaha. Sure thing bro. I mean, every thing they have said and done even in the earliest stages of the invasion indicates genocide, but I guess you know they secretly aren’t doing that?

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When someone’s first expressed outrage against the use of cluster bombs is at the Ukrainian use thereof, they can fuck all the way off.