Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Arresting scientists for attending foreign conferences? Russia is almost as bad as the US.

The best defense is a good offense

Holland has been trying to get approval to send F-16 fighters for a long time and rumors of Ukranians being trained in the UK and US started ages ago. It is pretty self serving by the way. Several Dutch companies service F-16 parts and F-16’s are about to be retired in most of Europe. So why not give them to Ukraine and possibly make some money servicing them.

There are still like 3000 F-16s in service worldwide. Parts and maintenance to keep them flying makes them an industry in themselves. Idk how much sense they make but Ukraine will get them eventually. Maybe by the end of the year, in Elon time.

Training happened, at least in simulators. There was an assessment reported yesterday. Four months to fully prep pilots, with the main difficulty being English lessons. Training isn’t what’s slowed the shipment of planes.

This is following the same pattern as other systems have. Initial statements that they wouldn’t be provided, but eventually it happens. Putin is getting whipsawed by the array of countries against him. It could be a deliberate boil the frog strategy, though people will argue who the frog is.

Speaking of Elon

(Seven months later.) You gotta savor these small victories.

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Come and see for yourself!

Can’t wait to see what they do on their way out of town.

Wouldn’t be surprising, they work good and the Russians are attacking a lot at night. US combat pilots still use amphetamines and all militaries in WW2 gave amphetamines to the troops. Don’t think there’s anything better for sleep deprived soldiers to be more combat effective.

The first part is a salacious. The rest of the thread is a bit more sober. The Russians have adapted. They don’t use tanks as the tip of the spear where they’d get javalined, they use them as fire support behind the infantry and Russia’s electronic warfare capability are adapting. They’re able to shoot down some portion of the longer range missile attacks from Western systems

I love playing Risk™️ while on crystal methamphetamines.





is this relevance?

I looked them up, hoping they’d be anarchists, but they’re neo-Nazis.

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According to my web search results, the U.S. Air Force (and Navy) still uses, and has used off and on since WWII, what are commonly referred to as “Go Pills” for instances when pilots need to be up for long periods of time - in wartime, sometimes longer than the crew rest regulation1. The most common go pill is Dexedrine, which is an amphetamine1. The Air Force calls the amphetamines it distributes to pilots "go pills"2.

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Here’s your go pill, heres your work harder power, here’s your stop and sleep injection

I’d imagine that amphetamine is a lot safer than trying to operate a warplane while severely sleep deprived. Probably the same thing for an attacking infantryman, I don’t know.

according to my web search, amphetamines have been completely out for USAF since 2017. but i suppose i don’t konw if modafinil is also an amphetamine.