Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

tbf they pin 98% of everything on the cia

IDK. If they get Elon over there stat, he can probably get them fixed up in 1-2 months.

Ukraine stuff may have been the last straw for Tucker.

Worth it in Putin’s calculus, especially if they can take it by May 9. There’s no limit to this fucker’s conceit.

RT offered a job to Tucker after he was fired.

It might be worth it to Putin but I doubt it has to do with anything taking any city by any date. Bakhmut is often compared to Verdun, well, maybe it is. What was the German plan there? Wage an industrial battle of attrition in an area the French had to defend. So the Germans didn’t win that battle, not necessarily because the French held Verdun, but because the German losses in men and materiel were too large and French losses were not large enough. So it’s kind of impossible to say if it’s “worth it” because we don’t really know how severe the losses on each side are. At least I don’t, and I’m sure John Kirby isn’t going to tell us.

For Putin it would be a victory to celebrate on Victory Day. It also has value so far as it helps him stave off potential discontent. He won’t be dwelling on the cost.

Bad numbers. I should have realized it.

This is good news for Putin. Definitely worth it now.

But how many men did you not lose?

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they didn’t die of special military operation, but with special military operation.

“Are you a war criminal?”

Is that two dudes scaling the left side of the dome?

Was the drone shot down? Or was it a Russian drone they flew overhead and had it blow itself up to show how good they are at blowing up drones?

More Russian ships coincidentally hanging out over pipeline boom-boom area. Maybe the CIA waited for innocent Russians to randomly wander over this spot to detonate explosives they had planted ahead of time. Man, they’re crafty.

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I thought the accepted explanation was that it was Ukrainians who rented a Yacht.

…looking…yeah, this:

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Joe Biden, Jake Sullivan, Vicky Nuland, and Antony Blinken have never been asked about the pipeline explosion. They’ve dodged questions about it since Hersh’s article.

The Russians blowing up a pipeline they built, controlled, and profited from remains the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

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that’s not an accepted explanation, and not even plausible a private vessel could accomplish.

OK, second dumbest thing I guess? Three guys renting a schooner for a relaxed weekend of pipeline demolition takes the cake. Russia at least has the capability to do it.

Temporarily accepted I guess.

Seemed pretty well accepted when it came up in this thread.