Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Russian equivalent of the HIMARs is not as precise.

Russians have range on their MLRS systems, they don’t have precision and accuracy.

HIMARs have accuracy up to 1 square meter which is devastating.

You’ve been listening to the wrong people. Russia’s position has been hopeless for a long time. I won’t pretend to have expected things to blow up this spectacularly, but it’s been clear that Russia would eventually lose for months. Now it’s clear they’re going to lose pretty quickly.

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and a great reply

I am not an expert, but I believe they still have a superior air force that they could still use. That said, if it goes poorly, they are totally busto, so its a very high risk option for them. All that said, hope that Ukraine bags this thing up and the tinted window kbg vans show up at Putin’s house before Christmas.

this is so great. the schadenfreude is so delicious

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Wild video in quoted tweet.


At the beginning of the war Russia had about 450-480 active T-80s. About a third of them have already been destroyed or captured. That‘s another 10 just in this video.
While they have a lot more in storage those aren‘t the newer BVM models and probably not well maintained.

Feel like Kazakhstan should invade Russia from the South, what do they have to lose?

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The best potassium in the world. All other countries have inferior potassium.


This is north of the area we’ve mostly been seeing maps of. Possibly Russia is bailing out of the whole Kharkiv area. I’m guessing the have to try to hang on to the West Bank of the Oskil, or else Ukraine can just march into Luhansk (province, not city).

The problem for Russia is that they still have way too much front to cover with not nearly enough guys (and fewer now than they used to have). That hasn’t gotten better. There was some element of trickery to this offensive, but I think it was mostly fundamentals. If you push on Kharkiv and Kherson at the same time, Russia has to divide their forces ~perfectly, or one front collapses, and Ukraine can just pull back from the other. Nothing is stopping them from resetting, HIMARSing all the juicy command centers and ammo dumps that are now in range, then repeating.

Not to brag, but I have been saying since before the war started that Russia’s big problem is moving from military successes they can reasonably achieve to a favorable political settlement of the war. Plan A (blitz on Kharkiv, install a quisling regime) was plausible, but they couldn’t pull it off. Plan B (encircle a big chunk of the UA in Donbas) was more dubious, and it was so far beyond their capabilities they didn’t even give it a serious try. Plan C (slow grinding offensives that capture small slivers of territory at huge cost) could never win the war, but at least it kept Ukraine reacting and made them commit to the fight where Russia had its forces. Plan D is basically sit and wait for death. They should really just agree to any deal that saves a little bit of face and go home. It’s not going to get better.

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did you mean polonium?

What’s the face-saving deal for Russia to give up Crimea?

girkin is trying to sound the alarm on another possible ukrainian counteroffensive. he claims there’s a comparable force to kharkiv offensive in positions to attack Vuhlegirsk with possible goals of retaking territory all the way to the Azov coast and Mariupol, cutting off the land bridge. of course such a maneuver could easily focus on melitopol first. we’ll see. next couple of weeks are going to be pretty critical.

ETA: i said Vuhledar, but in fact gorkin said Vuhlehirsk. that’s a counteroffensive near Bakhmut, the last place Ru tried to advance

pitin’s death

many proUA telegrams are calling this “russian lend-lease”. last week handed over a lot of ammo and equipment to AFU.

biden better watch out, he might not be able to truthfully claim that america helped the most. :stuck_out_tongue:

He meant potassium:

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Ru Mod published a map of special operation today, and all of Kharkiv region is marked as not occupied. supposedly official map, and they pulled everyone back into Belgorod oblast. lots of AFU videos of liberated villages all the way to the border with Belgorod.

i see. if i were contemplating an incursion out of north kazakhstan into russia, i’d be worried about polonium rather than pottasium.

Y’all laugh but a literal war was once fought over potassium-enriched birdshit.