Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

Ukranians actually on the ground there have been fucking heroes!
Send more equipment to them.
FU Putin! Fuck around and find out needs to be the message.


A video of Russian soldiers beheading a Ukrainian prisoner is everywhere on social media


Yea I accidently hit a link and it autoplayed and I was so shocked I was fumbling around trying to find the close button until I had the presence of mind to control alt delete and I felt nauseous for a good 30 minutes
My Russia probability estimate just went up a couple of points.


27 posts were split to a new topic: Leaked Ukrainian Documents

Huh? RIP this guy, not that I’ll weep for him.

rest in hell

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My first reaction is this can’t be real but not unfunny.

“Right on!”? Come on, man.

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Wait, the Russian really claim this to be real? :face_with_monocle:

damn, UA counteroffensive hasn’t even started yet, and RU bombs just start falling on their own cities.


Hard as it is to believe, I can’t dismiss the possibility. :man_shrugging:

Is their base inside the city? Otherwise, why are they flying over it?

Ru MoD came out and admitted it pretty fast. not sure why, but it’s not like UA bombers would be caught flying over the border, away from actual battlegrounds.

i think their base is outside the city, but they fly over cities all the same. this is russia, baby, safety protocols have been written by crazy ivan from 18th century.

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Timur had no military experience and was provided two weeks of training before deployment to the front, he said. He was issued a Kalashnikov rifle, 120 bullets, an armored vest and a helmet for the assault. Before sending the soldiers forward, he said, commanders “repeated many times, ‘if you try to leave this field, we will shoot you.’”

Soldiers in his platoon, he said, were sent on a risky assault, waves of soldiers with little chance of survival sent into battle on the outskirts of the eastern city of Bakhmut. Most were killed on their first day of combat. Timur was captured.

very sneaky of nato, to bomb belgorod with russia’s own bombs, not even approved nato ammo ffs.

Laying out the options for a Ukrainian offensive.