your grandson is really fucking good at magic, ma’am

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Again with the hospital food jokes, what is this, a 90’s comedian?

LMFAO, this scene with the chair is amazing.

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thanks for asking these questions for the audience, jerry

Achievement not award is the true reward.
At odds with the times with wars with no lords.

the doctors informed him that being sterile doesn’t mean he didn’t have to take a bath

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i’m paying good money to hear that vacuum cleaner god damnit!

OK, I’m pretty sure David Lynch has no idea how whorehouses work.

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laura choked me with a power cord too

yeah let’s fuck with leo lol there’s no way he could ever wake up and take revenge

oh shit briggs is gonna deliver some log message

My man Ben runs a perfume counter in the US that’s actually a front so he can recruit girls for his Canadian casino that’s actually a brothel. It seems way too complicated. And the girls need resumes for some damn reason.

blackie could spot a bullshit resume right away, too. lotta girls try to get into the business but they don’t have the experience to run a vacuum cleaner or pour ice on a guy

Holy shit that’s a freaky shot.

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oh man what a cliffhanger

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The Horns are such schemers that even something simple like running a brothel requires multiple layers of deception.

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