Bobby is acting for 2.5 people so it averages out

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Fuckin guy EMOTES

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Somebody needs to secure this border

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I can’t quite articulate the character Grace Zabriskie is supposed to be playing as Laura’s mom, but whatever it is, she 100% nails it. “Don’t ruin this too” Perfect line delivered perfectly.

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In the early 1990s French Canadians were the immigrant group everyone associated with crime

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The motif of this episode is hidden wooden compartments.


So I’m pretty sure it was a dark malevolent spirit that put the fish in the percolator.


Uhhhhhhhhhhh coo be

Angelo badalamenti probably has like 50 million dollars from doing the music on this show

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Kinda wild that they just throw Maddie at you at the like ten minute mark of the episode, a perfect doppelganger of Laura, and then do nothing with her. I checked, she’s at the funeral, but it’s easy to miss. How do you not play around with basically Laura attending her own funeral? It’s gotta be a deliberate choice by Lynch and Frost. I was sure when Maddie showed up in front of Leland, just as he’s starting to lose it, he would confuse her with Laura, but no. They’re playing it coy. In the soap opera Leland’s watching, the voiceover mentions an actress playing two roles, and that’s the only lampshading you get. In the 90s, people weren’t watching TV super closely. Probably 75% of the audience didn’t key in that Maddie was the same actress as Laura. Idk did Trolly spot this?


Wait… what?

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Twin Peaks (1990)

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I’m rewatching episode 3 just to review what’s going on and these jackasses are almost completely stumped by the clue that “Jack With One Eye” refers to the One Eyed Jack Casino across the border. That was the most half-assed riddle ever and they still almost couldn’t figure it out.

“Hey, Big Ed’s wife has one eye!” No, dickhead, try again.