Trump Administration Part 2 - Golf and Fascism

There’s going to be so much that is true over the next year it will make your head spin

I mean theres some real funny trolling happening. Well, i guess its funnier if youre a rich white male but still

yeah next you’re going to tell me that a south africa oligarch is defacto king of america in cahoots with russia

Is Gaetz evil or just like a frat boy in over his head?

She’ll be head of the NOAA so she can control the weather, or the Space Force to combat the Jewish Space Lasers.

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Is Tulsi the only one not to have SA allegations against her lol

He’s not Bannon evil, but he’s kinda weird evil. Tucker Carlson without the fake moralism. His dad was like speaker of the FL house and he grew up in back slappy FL politics.

He’s smarter than he looks. Probably one of the smartest Trumpers.


Just lol Tulsi Gabbard!
Oh yeah, did I say, just lol Tulsi Gabbard.

Just making sure! Just lol at anyone taking her seriously. Massive grifter.

followed immediately by “What is the attorney general” and “what is the department of justice”, “what is the judicial branch”, and finally “Schoolhouse rock US government”

Finally “are eggs cheaper today?”




Depends on how seriously you take the sex trafficking investigation, I suppose

Skipping ahead but the consequences crowd here thinking Gaetz was dead for banging kids is hilarious.


Pretty sure the Gaetz announcement confirms I had a stroke on election night and im either in a coma or dead.


Will Mike Pillow be appointed in Trump’s administration?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I hate that I even know who you’re talking about.


So, say Trump appoints two more House members. That could mean like three deaths flips the House. I think that would be an appropriately amusing development.

Oh, in their minds the price of eggs dropped the moment the election results were announced.

In keeping with the theme so far he’ll be running the DEA.

In my mind these are the voters who could flip back in 2028 when everything isn’t perfect in their world. You know, the people who decide the fate of the free world every four years.

Of course the free world might be a lot smaller in four years, and we might not be part of it, but ain’t nobody got time for thinking about that stuff.

Talking about voting in 2028 is premature at this rate it’d be nice. Hopefully they don’t put themselves in charge of it (they have talked about federalizing the election ala russia style).