Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Yah true, I suppose my scale is cities that a Westerner could realistically end up in if not specifically looking for dangerous places like some of those content creators.

Oh dang, Leeward is a good call. I went last summer and it was bomb.

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Poor Saltillo lol. Probably the most boring third-tier city in Mexico, agreed. But thatā€™s relatively tough companyā€”a city of 1-3 million people in Mexico will tend to have a lot more interesting stuff, arts, culture, food, and history than in the US.

How do you rank Monterrey? I feel like itā€™s very divisive city.

Sounds like a field trip to Omaha is in order. For science.

Some hate it, but I feel like regio culture is pretty unique and itā€™s kinda nice that it offers a different feel to the Mexico that most visitors will be used to. It has some cool things within the city and some extremely accessible nature highlights nearby. Having said that, Iā€™d still probably rather re-visit BogotĆ”/MedellĆ­n than Monterrey, so Iā€™d put it at a 4.5 on my list. So I guess maybe Iā€™m not thaaat high on it lol

LOL, well as Bob aptly pointed out, none of these cities are truly a 1-3 in the grand scheme of things. I guess a better representation wouldā€™ve been ā€œall the cities Iā€™ve been to in the last 15 years on a scale of 1-10ā€

Normally for the worst city discussion Iā€™d always say Gary IN, for the US anyway. But Iā€™ve never seen anything worse than Sihanoukville Cambodia, pre-covid, when the city got sold out to the Chinese and everything was bulldozed, giant trucks everywhere, the roads were broken awful dust filled hellzones that flooded after every rainstorm, sewage leaking into the ocean, blackouts, every single remaining guesthouse was expensive, but also stopped normal maintenance bc they were probably getting sold out next. If there ever was a well deserved 1 on the scale, that was it.

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the only time Iā€™ve been to omaha was in february. I stayed at the doubletree downtown and was calling on union pacific, which is literally across the street. It was so fucking cold I literally thought I was going to die walking across the street.

union pacific has a hyper elite company store in the lobby btw.

If I end up in Bangkok then I might have to visit for research purposes.

Shouldā€™ve visited during the 3-week period in April/May before it goes from too goddamn cold to fucking hot.

Itā€™s not really a bad city, just pretty boring (unless a zoo fanatic or visiting for CWS or something). Every time they try to improve the city, they fuck it up. They built a pedestrian bridge, but it goes to nowhere, so whatā€™s the point of even using it? Tried to build up the Waterfront, but put like 1 restaurant there that failed, now noone even goes there anymore. They recently completed a new park complex downtown thatā€™s a bit interesting, but still felt like it could be 10x better with decent planners.

Itā€™s also in the middle of nowhere. 3 hour to drive to KC (another shit city), 6+ to Denver/Chicago/Minneapolis

Nowadays the city isnā€™t so bad, the main roads are actually nice and they clean the beaches at least, but it mostly just feels like a soulless Chinese city, complete with random unfinished skyscrapers that give it a certain dystopian vibe.

But even with all the construction going on in town there used to be some great spots on the beaches outside of town that you could still hang out at and get a good meal and relax and spend the night in the beach bungalows. You could order food from the restaurant while chilling in your beach chair, or from the people walking the beach. You could get massages, rent inner tubes, hop on a snorkeling boat, etc. It was nice. Now theyā€™ve decided that absolutely nothing can be on the beaches, all those places are demolished as well. You can bring your own towel/mat and your own food/drink and have a picnic, thatā€™s it.

Oh and if you wanted to play live poker here, I almost guarantee you will hate it. They smoke all the time at the table, the rake is absurd, and every all in is like a 5 minute ordeal with insurance and the guy with the losing hand gets dealt the the turn and the river to do this big sweat to see if he can suck out. It is so slow. But the games can sometimes be hilariously good though, like people punting off $1,000+ with mid pair or gutterballs and stuff.

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Donā€™t disagree on the city itself (downtown and historic district are unremarkable by Mexico standards), but in terms of some extreme mountain scenery right next to a city to that size itā€™s probably topā€¦5?..worldwide. Not foothills, but like serious ass mile high mountains right next to the city center. Rio, Vancouver, Quito, Cape Townā€“canā€™t think of too many more.

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This doesnā€™t sound like a real place.

They seriously just put ā€œ-villeā€ on the end of some Khmer word?

They put it on the end of the name of a former king and thatā€™s not the actual name of the city in Khmer but more of a translation.

Yup, the weird thing is that the Khmer name has nothing to do with the King Sihanouk at all. Itā€™s just what they decided to call it in English I guess.

Yea, I mean it could have also been Sihanouk City, or Sihanouk Town, but I do agree Sihanoukville is the more interesting choice

Everyone in Cambodia calls it Sihanoukville or Kampong Somā€¦

I have never heard anyone call it Krong Preah Sihanouk

Thanks for the wiki I guess

A tier list would be a bit more interesting to do I think and probably easier.

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Letā€™s say you were leaving on June 6 for an international trip and it was just announced the US could default on June 5. Any practical way to insulate against getting completely smashed by a devalued dollar? Two European countries, neither of which use the Euro. Would ā‚¬ hold their conversion rate vs. other European currencies in a default scenario?

@Ikioi, best way to get from Narita to Kagurazaka?

The main constraint is that there are 4 of us and my wife is incapable of packing light, so there will be a lot of luggage. More than can fit in the trunk of a sedan.

Whatā€™s the uber/lyft/other rideshare situation like?