Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Well yes, this! And also because the wait to get in Seoul Tower was 90+ minutes and we pounded soju with locals at the bar below the whole time :grimacing:

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Just spamming this thread to say the Philippines is best country

Country number #1. I like.

Thatā€™s what all the sexpats say.

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They have the ambulance next to where theyā€™re lighting off all the fireworks hahaha

Yea sure but Filipinos are so easy to talk to, you can joke about anything, 2nd best scuba diving in the world, I love it

Yeah, but Filipino food is probably at the bottom on the Asian food scale.

Itā€™s not great, but have you had Cambodian?!

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Try making fun of their karaoke singing.

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Never had Cambodian, but always assumed it was similar to Vietnamese.

Donā€™t. Itā€™s mostly the worst parts

I mean thereā€™s some nice fish curries, but what the locals eat, oof

Itā€™s towards the bottom for people who want food that is light, vegetarian-friendly, and spicy. Might be higher ranked by people with a preference for an American meat and potatoes diet.


Philadelphia International Airport has an entire terminal dedicated specifically to TSA PreCheck passengers.

I mean class divisions by airlines is shitty enough but now security allowing people to pay their way out of getting finger fucked by the government is disgusting.

The fee is really nominal. The annoying part is setting up the interview thatā€™s part of the background check. Maybe youā€™re thinking of Clear. Thatā€™s different.

To you, itā€™s nominal. I donā€™t have an American salary.

Also, setting up an interview from abroad is a huge pain in the ass.

Itā€™s like $15/year. There are plenty of things I might deserve the guillotine for, but I hope calling $15/year nominal is not one of them.

Itā€™s also a pain in the ass in the US. But Iā€™m sure itā€™s worse for you. That was kind of my point. The stumbling block is (generally) not the cost. Itā€™s jumping through the hoops.

If you fly to the US often, one possible strategy is to just try to schedule it for when you know you will be here.

And it looks like a delay in my flight leaving Philly has resulted in what I think is an impossible itinerary. Lufthansa claims that I can make the transfer at Frankfurt in an hour but crossing from the non-Schengen to Schengen zone could take longer than that;.

Man there has been a marked decline in quality in air travel in the US since the end of the pandemic. I know Iā€™m probably behind in this revelation but man this is embarrassing.

In Toronto there is an obvious post-pandemic staffing shortage. They are also in a bit of a death spiral because less staff means worse experience means angry abusive customers means even less staff.

An hour just isnā€™t enough in Frankfurt. That airport is a complete disaster.