Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Damn, have those countries gotten expensive?

Back in 2010 on a long trip with my ex, Albania and Kosovo were the only places we actually could meet our daily budget of US$100/day for the two of us consistently.

Not expensive. Just less cheap than in the past.

Think Iā€™ll still stick with Airbnb in the end

EDIT: Airbnb in Prizren is shockingly expensive relative to what I expected. Gonna have to check what youth hostels are like there. But the price shouldnā€™t be nearly double Albania.

I think it could work if you based yourself near Bosque de Chapultepec (CDMXā€™s central park). The antropology museum and castle are both there and could be fun for everyone, plus the park is super kid friendly and there will be lots for them to do. Also itā€™s pretty cheap just taking Uber from the airport and pretty much everywhere in the city, so donā€™t have to mess with public transport at all. The city is littered with squares and markets that cater to kids and sell all types of toys, games, snacks, etc.

Of course thereā€™s also the stuff like Six Flags, aquarium, kids museums, etc. but you can do that in any city.

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Is it pretty safe or at least safe enough around there?

Yep, Chapultepec and most of the surrounding areas: Polanco, Roma, Condesa, Reforma, Juarez, will be safe.

I enjoyed our stay in Condesa. We walked to Chapultepec park easily. Also stopped for a few tacos along the way, including a cow tongue taco that blew my mind.

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@Fossilkid93 i canā€™t find the PV rec you made. Can you suggest an area near PV to grab lunch before our flight out of here tomorrow.

All Inclusive food is about to make me sick. My friend has been shitting liquid since we got here.

My wife and I were just discussing taking our kid to Mexico City when sheā€™s a little older so sounds like we already know what to do, thanks! Iā€™ve heard so many great things about the city and the food always looks incredible.

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Iā€™m back tomorrow. Iā€™ll do a TR later this week.


Itā€™s about 1k more than 5 years ago. Not an insignificant sum. And those prices were very much on the low end of the price spectrum for a one-month stay in SD. Average probably closer to $5K.

This is probably the overall best. Theyā€™ll make guacamole by hand for you thatā€™s delicious. Then for sure order the coco shrimp and also the fajitas are great (you can do mixed, or just go for shrimp fajitas).

Also has a pretty fun vibe with a group playing live music requests. Sometimes youā€™ll get a group of locals and Gringos and theyā€™ll go back and forth playing American songs then Mexican, which is fun.

Itā€™s also close to the start of the malecĆ³n (boardwalk), so if thereā€™s time, walk the 2.5 blocks to the malecĆ³n and walk it for awhile. Sunsets are usually great there, clouds permitting.

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I just barely made platinum via tier credits at MGM and now have a free cruise. I have never been on a cruise longer than a few hours.

Qualifying Platinum Members receive one (1) cruise for two per year in an Oceanview Stateroom consisting of a 3, 4, or 5 night Bahamas or Caribbean cruise on Royal Caribbean or Celebrity Cruises. The length of the cruise benefit is based on recent MGM Resorts gaming activity.

Any opinions on using this? I might just spend most of my time in my room, but itā€™d be nice to get away for a fe3 days.

Iā€™ve got a week for Osaka and Hiroshima and anything in between, if anyone has any recs Iā€™m all ears, Iā€™m under budget so far!

Also some toilets have little weird mini faucets on top that go off when you flush, what are those supposed to be for? Thereā€™s normal sinks to wash your handsā€¦ @Ikioi

And how big of a faux pas is it to take a coffee to go on the train? Specifically the Shinkansen where itā€™s like 30% full?

Also the near 100% masking outdoors is pretty wild to me, in parks, deserted streets at 1am, riding bicycles, doesnā€™t matter. Thereā€™s even signs posted that you donā€™t need to wear masks outdoors, but it doesnā€™t matter. Is it just a societal peer pressure thing?!

Faucets on top of the toilets are just for giving your hands a quick rinse.

Eating and drinking on the shinkansen is perfectly fine. People do it all the time. Even if filled to capacity.

My own personal masking policy is indoors only, or sometimes outdoors in crowded spaces. But yeah, Japanese pretty much operate on a ā€œdo what everyone around you is doingā€ mentality, and until someone steps up and announces masks are no longer necessary, theyā€™ll just go on masking everywhere forever.

Sorry I donā€™t have any Osaka or Hiroshima recs as Iā€™ve never spent time in either places, but for Hiroshima, all of the atomic bomb spots are a must I hear, and the town is famous for okonomiyaki.

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Cool thanks. Iā€™ve been mostly masking outdoors because I donā€™t want to be silently judged by all the locals heh.

Really fun place to travel though! 2.5 weeks has been bumped to 3.5 weeks :)

Weather in Kyoto this week has been gorgeous. The temples on weekday mornings have hardly anyone around, itā€™s pretty great. The quiet foggy mornings just seem to hit the mysterious ancient Japan vibe just right. Although Iā€™m still a bit bummed I missed peak fall colors :sob:

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Glad youā€™re enjoying your stay. You can enjoy the fall colors through the pics I posted in the Photo of Where You Are Now thread. I was there just about three weeks ago during the peak.

Plenty of amazing places to visit in Kyoto, but if you havenā€™t yet, I recommend Fushimi Inari Shrine. Arashiyama another cool area, particularly the bamboo forest nearby, though also best when itā€™s colorful.

Then the Sanjo and Gion areas for a break from the temples with lots of cool urban vibe.

Haha I saw that post! That view looking towards Kiyomizu Dera is mostly dead trees now. Iā€™m super jelly :/

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How bad is Spirit Airlines really?

Looking at a trip from Chicago to LA for the National Championship game, so a very quick trip of like 48 hours. United is like $600 minimum for nonstops at reasonable times and Spirit has better times for like $170 round trip.

Iā€™ve never done it but every single person Iā€™ve talked to that has, well into the dozens, has said ā€œnever again.ā€

The ticket prices for the natty are totally outrageous, btw.

They are right now. Iā€™m counting on Georgia kicking the shit out of Ohio State and that keeping prices somewhat reasonable.

Think Iā€™m just going with a buddy of mine with $1,500 cash each in our pocket and seeing where that gets us. Feels like prices always spike around this time, spike again after NYE when the teams are set, but very few people go last minute and thereā€™s always tons of tickets available leading up to the event.

Itā€™s not like there are tons of people out there who see tickets drop from Jan 2 to Jan 7 and snap book a flight and hotel to LA.