Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

What is Real ID?

Getting a real ID is easy if you have an original birth certificate around. Getting one of those was the only part of the process that took any effort.

Oh okay. So nothing changes for me. I always use my passport.

I also almost never fly domestically anyways.

Itā€™s still kinda wild to me that when I got a Vermont drivers license 30 years ago they didnā€™t have photos on them and that was perfectly fine for buying alcohol, cashing checks, going to Canada, etc.

Another Real ID extension shockedpikachu.jpg. Iā€™m going to just going to keep putting that off.

Looking into spending next month in San Diego. AirBNB prices are astronomical. Easily $1K+ higher/month than the last time I visited.

Might have to spend a month in Okinawa instead.

Costa Rica was pretty sweet. I already want to go back.


Weā€™re heading to Poland for ~10 weeks in April. AirBNBs usually give a small discount at 1 week and larger discount at 1 month stays, so weā€™ll plan our trip based on that.

Weā€™re planning on 2 1-month stays and 2 or 3 1-week stays so will need to choose 4-5 main cities.

For the 1-month stay, Iā€™m pretty sure that Krakow will be 1 of the month stays. For the other, Iā€™m debating between Gdansk, Wroclaw, or Warsaw (probably in that order of preference). I could see an argument for any of them. Gdansk just looks really unique and weā€™d be able to get there in May before it seems to get super saturated.

For the week stays, weā€™ll probably do 2 of the above cities and maybe include another (Poznan maybe?).

Weā€™re trying to keep the distances manageable. Originally, I was just planning on doing a circle, Warsaw-Poznan-Wroclaw-Krakow-Warsaw, but I think Gdansk looks really cool and am wanting to include it. We will also have to start and end with Warsaw (arriving from Georgia then headed to Romania), so thatā€™s also a consideration.

Lodz and Katowice (and Lublin?) are also in this area, but they look a little less interesting.

Not sure if thereā€™s anyone who knows Poland fairly extensively here. Which would you select for the 2 month long stays and is there any city Iā€™m overlooking that you might include in the top 5?

Went to Poland spring 2017. Only went to 3 cities there though.

Krakow >>> Wroclaw >>>>>>>>>>>> Warsaw

That said, how the cities are might be different youā€™re staying for so long. Longest I stayed in any place there was 10 days and that was because I got food poisoning.

Wouldā€™ve gone to Gdansk but at the time there wasnā€™t a direct line to there from Vilnius.

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We had a great time in Costa Rica as well and are probably going to go back. I think itā€™s an easy country to enjoy again and again because you can visit different regions with different attractions and activities. Itā€™s also super accessible from Toronto, itā€™s only a 5.5 hour flight from Toronto to San Jose.

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Awesome. Itā€™s three flights to get there from my small town, but Iā€™m gonnaā€™ do it again anyway. Agreed re: All the diverse opportunities there.

This city is the true definition of beautiful chaos. Wow.


San Diego was our go-to travel spot over the last few years because itā€™s within driving distance from my home and reasonably close to my family in California. We stayed in La Jolla a few times but started having better luck with North Park. Not sure what prices look like now as we havenā€™t been back since 2021 and they were fairly expensive to start with.

Stayed in North Park for a month during our last visit. Nice funky area with plenty of great eats nearby.

Actually, the best deal Iā€™ve found so far is literally a one-minute walk from my old apartment in Hillcrest. But even that is $3,500 for a month-long stay. Add in all the other costs of the trip and at some point it stops being worth it.

My gf grew up in CDMX and I lived there 2+ years and itā€™s kind of ruined us for smaller cities. Itā€™s just so vibrant and thereā€™s so much going on. Now when we live in a city of ā€œjustā€ 1 million, it feels so boring. We have to look for other mega cities like Istanbul, Bangkok, etc.

Itā€™s not even like weā€™re super active, doing stuff all the time, but we both work from home, so when we go outside, we like to feel like the city is alive and chaotic.

Having said that, I could probably do without the street vendors announcing their wares with megaphones, whistles, and yells. Thereā€™s tons of evidence that this type of noise pollution is awful for the mental health of the populace, so I donā€™t think the ā€œwell itā€™s their culture and theyā€™re trying to make a livingā€ argument should fly when your living is harming so many others.

Yea airbnb prices suck hard nowadays. In the last year Iā€™ve done quite a few month long stays in Florida for poker and thereā€™s basically nothing even halfway decent for under 3k. Brutal.

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Is 3-3.5K/month really that bad a deal. That comes out to a bit over $100/night. That better than most Holiday Inn Expresses and similar tier properties.

I really want to visit CDMX some time, but Iā€™ve got a 10yo and and 8yo. You think I could make a decent kid-friendly trip out of it?

For the first time, Iā€™m considering staying at a youth hostel over Airbnb for my Albania/Kosovo trip.