Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Can’t go wrong staying in Shinjuku. My sister and nephew stayed there during their visit and I came down to stay with them and really it’s the ideal spot from which to enjoy Tokyo. You can enjoy Omoide Yokocho strip of bars/street food late at night, Shibuya/Harajuku/Omotesando etc. all within easy walking distance, or hop a train for a quick ride to wherever else you want to go. Depending on how much time you have, consider day trips to Nikko/Kamakura/Yokohama.

Your food plan is probably the best one. There’s so much there and most of it is excellent, so just trust your instincts and go for whatever looks good to you. You’re unlikely to be disappointed. Food stalls, izakaya, ramen shops, depachika (department store food courts) are all great places to explore and there are plenty of all in and around Shinjuku.

I’ve been to Hakone and would highly recommend a night at a hot springs ryokan there. Haven’t been to Kawaguchiko so can’t compare. But Hakone is a beautiful place so you can’t go wrong there.


Cool, thanks, I’m pretty excited about the food scene, following my nose usually works out pretty well. I don’t have a real plan or timeframe really, but doing a loop from Tokyo out to Mt Fuji and then back through Kamakura and Yokohama sounds pretty good, thanks!

My current loose itinerary (which keeps expanding) is to spend a week in Tokyo + surrounding areas, then do Nagano, Takayama, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima and maybe take the ferry from Fukuoka to Busan.

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Kanab turned out to be the ideal place to stay. Weather cooperated so we were able to visit the North Rim, Zion, and Bryce, plus the Peekaboo Slot Canyon near Kanab. Kanab is small but it was way better than staying somewhere more remote, there were multiple restaurant options, a pharmacy, etc. As you would expect, the area was settled by Mormons and is still mainly populated by their descendants, so there appears to be a bit of push/pull between the old and the new. Went into an outfitting store on our first morning and the guy had the book Antiracist Baby prominently displayed (along with a ton of other progressive books, it was not being done ironically). This is in a town well-known for codifying its own definition of marriage and banning bikinis at the town pool. Anyway that element was interesting.

All I can tell you about the parks is that you should go. I mean, holy crap. We got lucky that we were there in the off-season but the weather was still great - 50s during the day. Just ideal.

North Rim

Peekaboo Slot Canyon

Zion (we did the Emerald Pools hike, which was almost exactly our speed - about 2 hours I think, more challenging than a walk in the woods but all of us handled it easily)

Bryce (we did the Navajo Loop / Queen’s Garden hike, which gets you onto the canyon floor and back)

Bonus: America, Fuck Yeah. Also saw a Golden Eagle but the pictures aren’t good.


Great pics!

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FlyerTalk is full of absolute psychos. I truly cannot imagine working a customer facing job in the travel industry. Dude is losing his mind over $10 here. Even more ridiculous - the commenters support him!

Its not the $10 , its being told “no” by a “manager”, i.e. a servant.


r/talesfromthefrontdesk is a good subreddit. People staying in hotels, especially people with “status”, are apparently the worst.

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Looked it up, that was Bluejohn Canyon. Very similar looking and also in Utah.

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Whoopdee fucking doo you have PLATINUM STATUS at a Courtyard by Marriott. What the fuck is wrong with people.

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Flyertalk may not be perfect, but it is an essential resource for getting to the bottom of knotty topics like “what constitutes appropriate due-dillegence in determining disability status for priority bording”

It’s genuinely depressing to realize people like this exist. What miserable pieces of shit. Who the fuck gets off on terrorizing minimum wage employees.

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Did not read comments, just initial story.

Surely, you can’t be on board with the desk guy calling the cops over “I’d like to speak to the manager”. That’s the worst action by far in this whole scenario AINEC.

This seems like one of those where everybody is an asshole.

Taking this guys post as an accurate representation of how this went down is a mistake, IMO.

Weirdly, I’ve gone 40 years without once having a single retail/hospitality employee threaten to call even a supervisor or security guard, let alone the police!

Granted, but I’m just assuming it true for the purposes of discussion.

Sampling of pics from a week in central Mexico and the Sierra Madre Oriental. 860 kilometers driven, the most absurd winding mountain roads and back country through tiny ass towns, praying we wouldn’t get held up, dodging potholes, dogs, tarantulas, piglets, and goats in the road, eating mostly street food.

The weather was suboptimal–the rainy season was supposed to end in October but somehow it’s still going strong, so instead of 80 and sunny it was 65 and rainy. Not the best for a region known for swimming holes and waterfalls and dirt roads. Oh well. It’s not too often anymore that I get to go on a solid adventure, and this trip delivered.

Beat: Got a parking ticket for parking in front of the dumbest little non-fire hydrant of all time, which meant the cops took my plates so I had to wait a day and go to the police department to get them back so I could return my godforsaken rental car
Brag: Despite a cumulative 40km really bad roads, I didn’t get a dime of rental car damages–a miracle, really. Thank god they can’t inspect the bottom of the car.
Variance: Got covid

Cabin at almost 9000’ ASL

We descended down into those clouds for the next 4 days, which despite my optimism literally never lifted–at best things looked like this.

Surrealist gardens of Xilitla

The most amazing water anywhere

Now this is a waterfall worth some effort to get to. The ejido knows it’s badass, and makes anyone who wants to go to pay 1000 pesos for a guide. Wildly expensive for Mexico but easily worth it.

Top of the waterfall

Immediately to the left, a natural swimming pool right top of the falls.

A place called Puente de Dios (SLP–not to be confused with the one in QRO). Easily the coolest swimming hole I’ve ever seen. A lot like the cenotes of the Yucatan, except on an actual river and all the waterfalls flowing in are natural and spring fed, and different temperatures. Since it was sorta cold we basically swam around trying to find the warmest ones. The entire river then flows through a cave, which you can also swim through.

A few km downstream of there, the water is calm and a good bit warmer (not sure why).

When I say 40km of bad roads (cumulatively), I mean this. Average speed 10km/h in this sort of road, very stressful in a tiny car.

Back in the central part of the country, finally some sun and good weather.

Basically ate street food the whole time. My fiance really only likes food that has been cooked the second before you eat it, so almost everything we ate was stuff like this.

All in all a great trip, probably the kind that’s better to look back on than the actual trip itself in a way. If the weather had been hot and sunny it would have been godlike, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to make it to this place again. Oh well, such is life.


It’s a mortal lock that this guy had been a dick during this stay before this checkout interaction


And during the interaction. You really have to see the videos that some hotel front desk staff put up to understand just how obnoxious and bullying the precious customers are.

Currently in Egypt in an allinclusive resort. I am probably one of the more generous tippers because I am not really sure when tipping is a good idea and when not. Usually when I show up at the buffet you have 1-2 guys who immediatly wait for me to find my seat. By no means I wouldnt want to give something I just get annoyed when its obvious that they prey on you. For breakfast I usually go straight to get my coffee so they dont have any reason to get me my coffee. I see a lot of other guests who dont give anything but I am too committed right now to switch into cheap mode. So what should I do during my next holiday if I chose all inclusive again? There are also tip boxes everywhere. I hate that when its unclear what is actually included in the price you paid for your vacation and if the waiters and servants heavily depend on your tips.

I tend to tip more than I probably “should” but yes this sucks and it’s basically a good excuse to just never interact with other humans

honestly there are two types of people in this world, 1) people who think tipping sucks but they overtip because they don’t want to screw the help and 2) those who think tipping sucks and use that as an excuse to shaft as many people as possible. Just know that you’re on the team that will get into heaven and muddle on.