Travel Addicts/Advice Thread

Can’t they just pick your phone?

I’d also feel really insecure without at least some cash on me. Maybe I could stuff it in my shoe or something.

Yeah just put some cash in your front pocket. Arseholes who have a fat wallet sticking out their back pocket get little sympathy from me.

Front pocket is where my wallet goes. I know it looks bad, but IDGAF.

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Front pockets fine. Don’t get me wrong I’m not having a go and I’m sure there are some very skilled pickpockets out there but for the most part it’s a very opportunistic crime and most of it’s victims are just simply begging for it.

I’m worse. I carry my stuff in a fanny pack when travelling. Oddly enough, I noticed a ton of them being worn by Turkish men. So they might be making a comeback in some places.

Though when I move about wherever I am, I go back to front pockets.

I’m also pretty paranoid of pickpockets. Hell of a way to ruin a vacation.

Why would it look bad? I’ve kept phone and a small money clip w/a bit of cash and 2 cards in my front pockets for years and never had any issues.

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Melkerson probably carries the Costanza wallet and people don’t dare ask if something’s wrong.


Boris Brejcha @ opiumbeachmarbella
One month from now !

I’ve been a front pocketer my whole life

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Where do you put your money/wallet?
  • Front Pocket
  • Back Pocket
  • Bag/Purse
  • Other

0 voters

Phone cover, with credit card
some cash in pocket
and a knife

It depends. Front pocket for touristy areas, crowded transit, etc. Back pocket the rest of the time. I also keep a backup credit card and some cash stashed in my backpack when I travel.


+1 backup credit card
plus some cash also hidden in hotel room.

Front pocket nearly all the time.

When travelling, I will occasionally put my things in a fanny pack.

Shit I am sure to have 3 or 4 credit cards all in different places when traveling abroad, usually only one on me at a time.

Black or gold ?

It’s hot as balls. We’re following the same plan. We did a tour of the Colloseum / Palatine Hill / Roman Forum from 10AM - 1PM today and it destroyed us. The 13 year old almost bailed out. After getting back and lunch we crashed during the afternoon and went back out around 8PM to Trastavere. Really liked it. We’re staying near Palazzo Navona and it’s very touristy. Trastavere was the opposite, we were the only non-Italians at the restaurant at which we ate dinner.

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Definitely always have a backup card kept somewhere else!

This was a long time ago, but in the Philippines I managed to get pickpocketed a few hours before my flight to Australia, they got the whole wallet with everything in it, although I did have a small amount of pocket money. I tried to board my flight but I couldn’t because I overstayed my visa and couldn’t pay the fine. I was able to get to an Internet cafe and email my brother for a western union transfer, but with the time difference I’d have to wait a bit. After eating some street food I was basically out of money.

When it was getting dark I didn’t know what to do so I just went to the park and just figured I’d sleep there. Seemed fine to me. At some point some guys were walking through and saw me and were like wtf are you doing?! I explained and one of them said I could sleep at his place for the night, so I reluctantly accepted. We take a jeepney and get dropped off in a poor neighborhood, the house was literally a bunch of tin roof shacks all kinda connected, with a bunch of extended family that lived there also. His grandma poured me some intestine stew, mmm.

There didn’t look to be anywhere to sleep, his cousin was passed out on the couch. So I’m asking where I’m gonna sleep and he says I can have his bed. Uhh okay. He says he’ll sleep on a mat on the floor. Of course a couple minutes later he’s saying he can’t find the mat and now gets into bed also, I know something is up at this point but at the same time he’s super skinny and like 120 pounds.

We’re talking awkwardly in bed and he’s telling me about how upset he is because his wife left him, and took their kid too. The reason: (can you guess?) he’s gay and had gotten caught with another man. But he’s the victim! And then of course he’s telling me I’m attractive and I’m telling him no way this is happening. He wanted to give me a blowjob lol and he got all pissy when I said no, as I could just close my eyes and pretend it’s a girl and that he’s better than the girls anyway! I give him the ultimatum that if he keeps trying I’m leaving, which was kind of a bluff bc I had no idea where I was, he gets all huffy and turns over and that was that. I didn’t really sleep at all that night, but at least I didn’t feel any pokes!

We get up and eat cereal in the morning and his cousin who’s a tuk tuk driver took me to the Western Union right at 9am where my money was waiting, and then I was able to get on a flight later that evening! The end.

So the moral of the story, and the ONLY moral of the story is always have a backup card!


For a travel noob how do you handle this? Assume that somebody at the restaurant should speak English since it’s a major Euro city? Try to just order by using horrible Italian?

It’s basically this.

I really need to downsize that sucker. There is so much useless shit in it. Especially since smartphones are a thing.