TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

a topshot update for those of you who left awhile ago

today they had packs we didn’t tell you about b/c they suck but that’s not the story here, the story again is absolute mass incompetence. now if you have been following you already know that but my god this whole month has been a shit show but this was just today.

free packs based on holding sets but they threw in a surprise (they love those surprises) with this that nobody could really figure out because it didn’t make sense for everyone though we suspected full team sets got a pack instead they announced that S2 set holders got a free pack, except it took them an hour to finally figure out that yes, indeed it was full set holders and it was a communication issue which idk how the hell that is possible but whatever we’ve known all along everyone just does their own thing and not give a shit. This created hours of mass confusion in the discord. Also how the hell did that take an hour.

meanwhile that team set bonus, the snapshot for that was taken 12 hours after the previous pack drop which included new cards for teams on that drop so I’m sure people are gonna find out that’s why they missed and I’m sure that’ll go over well

meanwhile, again all these packs sucked, the best player in the set is westbrook with a bunch of players nobody wants and nobody wants the westbrook but they were +EV but you didn’t want it and it wasn’t enough $ to care or waste your time.

They bottlenecked yet another shitty card in a challenge to go to 50 from 9 for no reason and also the reward isn’t gonna be worth 40 bucks.

oh that’s not all, so there’s a trade tickets for S1 packs tomorrow that people needed to buy 350 shitty cards for on the marketplace (even less fun than that sounds), but they of course, somehow managed to shut it down before the deadline, so after people got airdropped a ton of packs and some could acquire a lot of trade tickets for free they re opened it for an hour, same hour literally everything else was happening. This upset some people because it’s not guaranteed to get a pack in the queue, after you spent at a minimum $700 to get in with no other way to blow that many trade tickets other than guaranteed losing money or waiting and just hoping you get the next one.

It’s hard to believe anyone could intentionally fuck this up as much as they do. The above was all just today.

This all happened just after so much stupid shit happened they apologized for it and said they’d hire people and it would never happen again from now on and that was a bunch of shit after they had to refund a bunch of people $100 after they flat out lied about the fandom set not having a super rare bottleneck (which came out of complete nowhere, all of the previous like 10 challenges were easy then they threw that one in, also they stated that said set would not have a hard bottleneck, which was edited to say otherwise a few days before they threw it in which absolutely nobody noticed because that original post was a month before)

If I went back just to find all the things this week, would be at least twice as long as this post, that’s how bad it’s been.

cliff notes are topshot is still a non stop clown show top to bottom

edit–oh there’s MORE today, if you complete the new set it says S4 (we’re in S3)

normally that typo would be minor but it happens every day and yes it’s insane it does


congrats @goofyballer


well the buyer paid like $35k for it after gas fees but yeah that’s a solid day for the bot

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complete tangent but one of the links at the end of that article …


Walk-in … I’d rethink that :)


Gonna share my new NFT collection so you can all make fun of it and right click on everything. I’ve been keeping an eye on these for awhile because I liked them, but procrastinated pulling the trigger because there were lots available. 200 of each were minted in November and there didn’t seem to be much interest from other people. Yesterday I noticed there was a camel up for half price for some reason so I grabbed it. Then I grabbed a deer too because there were only a couple left.

Earlier today when I posted the camel in the other thread I saw that for whatever reason almost everything was quickly selling out, so I panic-bought the rest of the collection. Got 8 as first editions, had to go to secondary markets for the other 2. Currently there are only 2 horses and 1 snake that haven’t sold yet, and few listings for resale.

Leaving the Cave

This new collection imagines a scenario in which some animals set themselves free from the magical walls of those caves that are deemed to have been housing the very first examples of the art history for ages.

They are ready to set out to a new life more powerful than ever with a special touch from the artist Duo Backtopoints.

The Collection has 10 unique animals in total.


These are like half my portfolio


vn mank

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I have a soft spot for oddball flea market art and bought these recently which reminded me of that:

Uncommon Tennis Player

Mystery Footballer

Uncommon Gymnast

Mystery Boxer

Uncommon Golfer

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Anyone else part of the UFC stress test today?

Not part of the stress test, but did get an email about tomorrow’s drop. $50 pack seems like a reasonable opportunity for a flip. I think there is probably a fair amount of overlap in the UFC and crypto crowds at least.

In true dapper fashion, they keep pushing back the stress test. 1pm, then 110, then 130, now 2.

it’s not an easy flip, it’s .37% at legendary, and 3 commons at 50 with 23k mints

but some might idk

some people got like 15 in the stress test and a lot got zero and the stress test was a giant disaster everywhere, some could even see the cards in the pack and not open them first

lol Dapper, always and forever

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there are supposed to be 100k packs on sunday for ANYONE who wants one, it’s open not closed

this is what I heard out of their test

can see inside the packs without opening them
tons of people got balance deducted/charged but didn’t get a pack (most of these got reimbursed later but there were so many it took a long time to get there) repeatedly or barely got one for like 5 attempts
there was supposed to be a max of 5 packs a person, some people bought 15 or more or unlimited (guess you might be able to flip it, these people might buy all of them if they could)

after twice in the queue people got to skip the queue, the queue was still going on for everyone else
many packs got delivered to the account already opened, ie poof there were the cards in your account

and whatever else I forgot cause there was more, was absolutely insane how many bugs there were when they really were planning on flawlessly dropping 100k packs in two days. Like what the hell.

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each team did their own code so they could do whatever they wanted as topshot has some issues with that platform but nobody really got why some things would repeat themselves that hadn’t been issues on ts a long time ago