TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Italian guy who first figured out a general solution to a subset of cubics didn’t tell anyone except one dude on his deathbed cuz you were supposed to keep that shit secret so you could clown other mathematicians in math duels where you challenged each other with math problems. Obv I learned about this from clickbait youtubez.

I’m sure you’re all dying for an update on this NFT.

The public release has gone was well as the pre-sale release (that didn’t happen). First, it was delayed as one dev was golfing and the other was just missing (the golfing one had no idea where his partner was, but assured everyone an update was imminent). The next day, dev 2 (the contract guru) finally shows up and repeats the same bs explanation that due to high gas they can’t load the contract, and are waiting till low gas.

Finally, today, the contract is loaded and dev 2 says all is good to mint. He even notes that 20 have been already minted. However, these 20 were minted by the devs when the contract was loaded to the blockchain (this is standard to do to have some for promotions), but it’s misleading to say that these 20 show the contract is working.

A few people try to mint, but so far all but the first transaction has failed. A failed transaction really sucks, cause you still pay the gas. So far there have been 10 failed transactions burning about $150 in gas.

Devs go silent for two hours after launch while transactions failing, until dev 1 shows up to post that dev 2 has been away from his computer and will post update on how to mint shortly. However, I’m pretty sure contract is just broken and there is no way to mint.

So unless a miracle happens, it looks like they are going to get a whopping .05 eth for their efforts.


Seems to be going about as bad as possible. I see you’ve found the discord and are an active participant.

Yeah, I was curious about it and will check out most any NFT that has a pre-sale. Now I’m just trying to help make sure others don’t keep wasting gas trying to mint.

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@beetlejuice you might be pozzed

I found the killer app for NFTs. Bragging about it on twitter.

nailed it

This reads like a comedy piece.

Chris Moneymaker 1/1 up for auction right now on WAX.

If I buy that, do I get part ownership in the Lakers’ arena?

Sir, that NFT will be sold separately.

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The trending events of a November day in 2021:

Caruso: “AI enhance on that yacht club.”

Caruso: “Moar like Neck Beard Sausage Club, amirite?”

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idk how you could keep reading after Matt gaetz wants to hire a domestic terrorist mass shooter for congressional internship

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"Fundamentally, I hope people learn to understand what people are buying when purchasing NFT art right now is nothing more than directions on how to access or download an image,” Huntley explained. “The image is not stored on the blockchain and the majority of images I’ve seen are hosted on web 2.0 storage, which is likely to end up as 404, meaning the NFT has even less value.”

“[NFTs] are only valuable as tools for money laundering, tax evasion, and greater fool investment fraud,” wrote computer scientist Antsstyle in a scathing criticism of the technology, the long version of which is perhaps the most comprehensive breakdown of the ills posed by NFTs, cryptocurrency, and the blockchain on which they operate. “There is zero actual value to NFTs. Their sole purpose is to create artificial scarcity of an artwork to supposedly increase its value.”



That dude is gonna be really confused when he realizes that trading cards are just a picture that you could just copy in any printer or download the image and print it



There’s a K-pop drop today if any of you high rolling Ethereum folks want to slum it with some small stakes on BSC.


Wonder what he thinks the “actual value” of Rolexes and Louis Vuitton bags is.