TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

what time is maintenance today?


Maybe the total owned:unique owners ratio on would be a quick and dirty approximation for this. The Luka SS has a 1.06 ratio which is pretty low. By comparison, that Schroder S2 that JBQQ holds 4% of has a ratio of 1.63.


Even though I bought the SS moments pre-mp changes, I think it worked out well. I didnā€™t need use up my rate-limited buys on SS moments <$200 and could focus on grabbing Lukas and 3-digit serials of other bigger SS players. hereā€™s table of the prices i was able to grab the SS players at when i bought them all (immediately before the 3rd pack drop) vs their current prices. Completing both challenges looks to be $~7k now.

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Guess my Zion dunk and Donovon Mitchell SS sold over night. Meet the newest Dapper hundredaire!


Josh straight up pac-manning these Zions


well and that was at 7:33 so i guess iā€™m out of commission until they open the mp back up.

unless they drop more pax, really feels like a massive boom is coming post-maintenance

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The 10 minute bug when you fail to buy is very annoying. Otherwise Iā€™m pretty happy with the current status quo

Also canceling a sale at Dapper triggering the cooldown is uncool.

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SS and RS all went toward the moon this morning I see

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Not quite mooning yet, but we just hit liftoff.

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Looks like we are about to reform the $200 minimum for all SS. Just a few laggards that need to rise to that level.

edit: almost no one is listing below $200 right now. Only think is some of these have quite a few that need to be sold first.


Jokic has hit a $250 resistance level. There are a LOT of $250 listings. If you would all be so kind as to buy those and relist them higher, Iā€™d appreciate it.


It isnā€™t down yet?

topshot devs havenā€™t gotten into work yet


So is the SS thing presumably challenge related? Would be good to keep that in mind for future ones. A lot of them couldā€™ve been had super cheap yesterday, shouldā€™ve foreseen this.

some will be super cheap again in a few weeks too


Yes. Pretty much every challenge has fallen after initial pack drop only to rise as it gets closer to the deadline. Of course, some of those happened during general market boom times, so who knows if the SS will keep rising (I think most here are betting yes).

Yes, 100%. The best EV on prior challenges has been getting in cheap on the front end and then selling prior to the end of the challenge when prices have surged.


Am I seeing signs of impending marketplace doom?

Edit: On a couple refreshes, I got the banner that the marketplace would be re-opening soon with some changes (from before they re-opened - maybe preparing a new outage banner?)