TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

i was thinking about that zion layup, good buy IMO. even though lower volume in S2/7500 i think it’s an easy re-sale for $50+ profit min


@Tilted i was very tempted buy that Zion, the low volume scared me off though. Could be a really good buy


Price of KD reward already over $3k. 19 days to go.

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Seems like the whole forum was at least considering that Zion.


I was shocked I got it in a min 20. I was halfway working when I saw it.

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no chance on this randle, no chance.

Yep, Sqeuuuze the bot 30s.

People are focused on sniping the SS, so some of the other stuff is slipping for a while.

It was at around $275 last night with over 1k being sold

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God dammit josh

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Hell of a buy josh. I somehow missed it going for Randle =/

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Who is LA?

Look, my kid wants a PS5. I’m more than happy to trade my Jokic gif for one, but that’s not happening at these prices. Everybody has some work to do to get me what I want.

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neat, i think i’ll buy it a week after the challenge is over for $400


Well that was quick… immediately flipped for $100 profit.


I’m going to stalk what you do with that Irving Jonny, I’ve been passing on those for hours, maybe my read is off.

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I think it will be $1k+ based on the price of other KD moments and the likely serial count, but your point is correct. My plan is to flip everything if this gets pumped enough.

I need to stop watching this thread because instead of obsessing over impossible flips I should have just bought some SS cards in the morning and held them all day for 60+% gains. Just hope I don’t end up missing the next PAX


1xx for $20 premium seemed too good to pass.

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Yeah I mean if you are able to sell it relatively easily for you know 30,40,50-100 over asking, then I’ll know I missed out on like 300 this morning not going for those because they were coming up a lot.

I’m going aggressive at $475. Mostly because I’m ok if it sits unsold as I’m pretty bullish on SS in general.

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