TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

I think maybe it was there forever and the prices caught up to it.

Luka $700 wall has fallen, iā€™m about to get flooded with dapper if this pump continues lol


When did todayā€™s morning dip start and bottom out? Err. I guess it doesnā€™t matter because theyā€™re shutting the mp tomorrow down, n/m.

and there goes at least one josh luka

eta: two josh lukas

eta2: three josh lukas

eta3: four josh lukas


Ez game


i was actually expecting it to start pulling back 1-2 hours ago (after midnight EST) but volume is actually holding strong, pretty insane

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why no red dot

where my dort fans at


Huge glut at 749/750. Iā€™m tempted to get in a little below that myself. But now Iā€™m thinking somebody is going to punt me a cheap curry tomorrow and Iā€™ll just do the labron challenge.

Like in what world where people are doing the labron challenge is Luka not even higher than now? Seems like a no lose situation to hodl here.

not sure, im wondering if thereā€™s some whales stacking up on Lukas, or if itā€™s just people racing to try and get that piece of the challenge before they are priced out. Maybe goofy could confirm if thereā€™s anyone hoarding a lot of Lukas right now that they arenā€™t even listing on the marketplace. seems unlikely though with the limits on buying.

we also can see from the graphs earlier that almost no one has completed the challenge yet, its like not even 500 people. now, maybe the people doing the challenge are trying to buy luka first. i could see that. If i were trying to do the Edwards challenge id probably try to get Lamelo first because if the most expensive moment in the challenge runs too much too fast you can get priced out.

the risk in holding is if people get distracted by some other new shiny object. idk what is gonna distract people from wanting to complete a lebron challenge tho

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Yeah, Iā€™ll need to get myself up to speed with how the challenges work, I donā€™t know the first thing about it except now I see that certain moments become blockers and after a certain point itā€™s unprofitable to complete.

It would really be smart for them to do some challenges for people to complete with commons. Iā€™m not going to dump in 4k into dapper to get a lamello to do this one, but if somebody has like 75% of some $500 dollar total value challenge done, I can easily see them putting more money into this to buy the necessary moments.

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fuck me that was 2 seconds slow :crossed_fingers: GA @250


38 seconds




They massacring my boy KD on the /7500 :( you hate to see it. I think everyone is liquidating to chase the SS pump.

rayvin graph

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When are all you americans going to bed already ffs

Itā€™s weird Iā€™m seeing literally 0 undervalue listings for RS, are my filters screwed up or are people just sharper there? I know I saw a Haliburton punt at around 1200 when the LA was at 1400 but it was like within the first 10 minutes of signing up for rayvin. Didnā€™t mean to reply to you there, just ruminating out loud.

interesting josh, not much too choose from but I wasnā€™t sure about trying for the Mitchell gift not knowing that market at all, but didnā€™t try for the Kawhi

i go for the liquidity plays 9 times out of 10 recently. iā€™ll take a lesser deal if i think iā€™ll be able to move it faster, since iā€™m trying to keep dapper on hand. the kawhi buy also lets me go to bed now :)

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55 seconds for luka i assume i got sniped by someone here

Edit I didnā€™t. Clearly Iā€™ve Rayvin owned myself here