TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Kind of surprised that RWB MGLE went right away. An Aaron Gordon rayvin had around 2k didnt go for $650 yesterday.


#69 for min, i thought about it briefly

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it’s not a 2k card obviously but I looked it up cause I didn’t want to get inadvertently rayvin’d and it’s a hard card to flip but looked like it was worth it

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oh I dont think there are any great deals on MGLE, but some of the worse/mediocre players for under 1k are kind of interesting. should hold value at least. probably hard to profit on but you’re not going to get crushed either.

Get that booker someone

I got the mitchell for 150, thin but w/e this is fun. Can’t belive you guys got to do this without a buying timer.

that card isn’t a deal (booker) at least the SS, the other one is okay I think.

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i wonder if the zion challenge is being slept on. not only do his moments go for more than edwards, his challenge not being announced yet seems to have buyers focusing on the edwards challenge. i’m not gonna do it because i need the dapper, but it at least seems somewhat tempting

Good point, that’s why I was curious about the 3 digit premium there. I guess it’s not worth 40 above LA for a 8xx Booker.

Dapper Balance 738

Sold Deni, PG, and DAME

Still got all the rest from the PAX but they aren’t worth much.

299 PAX
14 PAX

A bit over 500 profit; maybe 600 after selling the commons.

Now to see if I can withdraw the balance before I spend it buying moments…


I looked this up and you’re actually surprisingly right given there’s only 2021 and not that many people can afford the challenges so you’d think it’d be a lot more in tune with people who spend way too much time on this site but the challenge cards are above the non challenge ones by a bit.

problem is as you stated it’s a bit off and who knows the topshot landscape by then, a week is an eternity here.

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Looool. I got it on mobile. Didn’t see it was the 15k one🤮

Oh god Curry 400 sighting, fkn timer


It’s going to be gone

I got this one don’t worry about it


What’s the zion challenge?

it’s the edwards but the other RS’s

this will happen in a future date after the edwards


53s on that $1 Mitchell. Guess the bots were locked out.

lol SS too how in the world do you bungle that

and you’re wrong MAK bot got it

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