TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

i added on because I just saw one flash for 579, this ocd on my part, I made it a mini goal to get it today

With a smallish bankroll (for now) you are much better off buying moments in the 50-150 range that are greatly mispriced. Luka has to get to 1000+ for 50% roi. That seems unlikely for quite a while. Meanwhile there are lots of buys every hour that could net you that on lower priced moments immediately. The problem with tying up too much in one moment is what you are facing, a dapper shortage when good plays come up.

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I just sold my Zion common for $80. I have no idea why itā€™s so high for a 12xxx/34750+


very good point.

Also I have right around 250 moments. How in the world am I going to pare that down with this 1 sale per 90 minutes rule.


Thing is the 50-150 range right now is a complete mystery to me. Iā€™ll get Rayvin tomorrow and start messing around but Iā€™ve been f5ing the SS market for 4 days and feel like this is actually a decent thing to get tied in to, and once the wiseman is gone Iā€™ll try to do this all in a less half assed manner.

Still holding my Zion SS. Not really sure what Iā€™m looking for. $550-600?

Well Zion is approaching the 500 glut so all signs pointing up for now


Yea Iā€™m not looking to reinvest. Just gonna hold the dapper $ until I can cash out (lol) or buy another +EV pack.

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Ahh didnā€™t realize you donā€™t have rayvin. I would get the goofy tool if you donā€™t have it and focus on cheaper ss moments. Memorize how much the low ask is and buy good serials at min or anything 15-20% below min.

A word of warning on rayvin, it lies sometimes. More than anyone here I have gotten tricked by it. Rayvin plus focusing on a handful of markets that you know is a foolproof plan though.


Ok, Mission Accomplished

I think Iā€™m fine with this. Obviously not an amazing deal or anything but Iā€™m willing to ride it out with this one.


Yeah grinding without rayvin for a few weeks now I think Iā€™m in a better spot to understand what to be careful about. The main thing I want is just the buy button that goes directly to the serial number so I donā€™t have to go through the list every time.

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ugh i might throw in the towel soon just to restart my timer. not much action this late

God my rayvin targets are maybe too ambitious but two flags in 20 mins

got #45 mulder for min, idk if thatā€™s even good because its mulder. at least my timer restarts now tho

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No way a double digit for min is bad.

i guess Yumaqis flipped #92 for $599 so i should be ok. especially since challenge card. def not something i want to hold on to for long though

lol. i mean i guess its rising star for a reason

lol they added a chat to

theres also a filter for serial but its greyed out

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gā€™nite :rocket: