The unblockable Elon Musk is not serious; it's time to move on

I only ever tweet “go fuck yourself” at various politicians and I’ve got I don’t know how many hottie twitter bot accounts following me. I don’t think it even matters what you tweet out.


Your insult of choice seems like it might catch some sexbot filters :leolol:

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Elon learned the right lessons from Auschwitz.

After the visit to Auschwitz, Musk and Shapiro addressed the conference. Their conversation was preceded with a presentation: a video montage of tweets that could have been sent to spread information about the Holocaust if it were taking place in the time of social media, concluding that X could have saved lives.

Musk spoke in his conversation about the importance of freedom of speech, and the role freedom of speech could have had in preventing the Holocaust.

The two men also agreed that “Elon” is a Jewish name. Musk shared that his social circle is largely Jewish, which may or may not be true, and that he himself is “Jew-ish,”



Ok I gotta ask: Did it contain tweets by Anne Frank?


The problem: my policy of radical free speech resulted in a huge increase in antisemitism on my website

The solution: go to auswitz to show the jews how wrong they are


I think I know what the joke was. This was yesterday:



Aside from the one WSJ article, I don’t know of much evidence Musk has a serious problem. We have marijuana with Joe Rogan, Elon saying he takes Ambien, and according to WSJ, witnesses to LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms, and ketamine. He doesn’t drink except for an occasional Vodka. There is very little about drugs in the two major biographies. In Isaacson’s book, a friend of Grimes tweets about him being on acid, but Isaacson says he never used it. Unless I missed it, there’s zero in Vance’s book about drugs.

There is a lot in both books about risk-taking, though. Any sketchy drugs aren’t going to help on top of lack of sleep, possible mental disorder, and stress, but the risk stuff is pervasive and goes back to his childhood. In Isaacson’s book, there are ~60 instances of behavior described using words like erratic, impulsive, unhinged, wild, and untethered. That’s like one every ten pages.

Kinda wild Auschwitz wasn’t torn down.

0% chance it wouldn’t get burned to the ground in the US. Just a little more problematic that statues of Washington and Jefferson.

The AJC reports that the project will not create any new jobs, but it will retain 24 existing employees. X had threatened to move the project to Portland, OR if Fulton denied the tax break.

A broader survey of special treatment for Elon:

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sweet jesus I didn’t realize he had them make fake tweets from WW2.

To prove their argument, Musk showed fake tweets he created of people sharing photos of Nazi attacks on synagogues, supporting Jewish resistance fighters, and pushing back against Holocaust deniers. There was even a tweet from the “official” Auschwitz account claiming Jews there were “thriving”—only to have a community note debunk that claim.

Don’t worry guys we put up community notes on the concentration camp tweets.

Wat? Like… What? What in the fuck are they doing? I don’t… what?


Half of Twitter would be cheering on the Nazis and claiming the Jews were lying (and that is likely an underestimation). CN would be people citing the Germans denying they were killing Jews and that they were actually work camps (plus noting that the Americans were similarly putting Japanese people in camps).

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I feel like you should probably be wary of anyone that was a little too eager to mock up the Holocaust tweets


Imagine your boss telling you to come up with a slide deck of fake Nazi tweets.


Dude would have hitlers account still up in 1945 on basis of free speech

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That cannot be real.

Fantasy: Anne Frank defeats the Nazis by spending her days in the attic writing community notes.

What would have actually happened: Henry Ford owns Twitter.


Article referencing it

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Anne Frank’s TikToks would have revealed her position to the Nazis within a week.