The TSLA Market / Economy

I wish I knew the answer but man are future history books going to be jammed full of all the different ways the early Internet made humans complete idiots.

Stocks only go down

GME/AMC just popped hard.

Johnny, did you pull all of your money out of the stock market before you moved?

Disclaimer: I’m just a dude on the internet chasing memes, do your own research

I found this post in 2p2’s trading thread to be compelling:

I have a large position in a company called Meredith Corporation $MDP. They just beat on earnings by about 40 percent. They have 40 million outstanding shares and earned over 3 dollars a share in one quarter or 120 million, and revenue is growing. So what makes it really interesting is that they have reduced a lot of debt making their EPS number likely to keep getting better. If they could average half those earnings at a 15x multiple their market cap would be more than double what it currently is.

Another thing is that they publish Better Homes and Gardens and have hundreds of products in Walmart that sell really well. That deal expires in 2024 so it’s possible they could start selling those products directly themselves by opening stores and online. The potential profit from such a move would make their market cap of 1.5 billion look puny. They have about 400 million in cash on their balance sheet.

In my opinion the company is worth 3x its current market cap but do your own dd of course.

Just looking at the graph, they took a beating like everyone when Covid first happened, but they’ve been steadily on their way back since the recovery. And they have those favorable recent earnings.

So I threw a hundo on it, and give zero fucks if it goes kaput, or, to the moon! :rocket::rocket::rocket:

But I’d be interested in the opinions of people who can do better research than me

TLRY already up another 30% pm lol it’s happening again

What’s the story on this one?

ETA-Weed Stonk + Short Squeeze+ more WSB mentions than any other stonk. Seems like the perfect combo for a wsb frenzy. Will be buying in premarket. Btw I did sign up and fund TW using your link NF. Hope you get something nice out of it.

APHA and TLRY are merging and APHA shareholders are getting .8 TLRY shares per. Meanwhile APHA trades at 29 and TLRY 52.


Eta-WSB is 95% APHA/TLRY this morning. Like nonfiction said this seems like a recipe for a repeat.

SNDL over $2


Hope you used the free 100 shares promo!

How has this not been arbed to shit by some hedge fund?

I think i did. Not credited yet but we shall see. I put the code in when i signed up.

I guess bc it isn’t risk free. The merger could fall apart.

All aboard the APHA train for me this AM.

Fuck, I bought APHA this morning before I got to the last post on this thread. Not real comfortable being on the same side as you, @WichitaDM .

Weed stocks just going straight up lmao

TLRY up another $10 in the last 20 mins

I didn’t want to sell my CLVS and CCIV and only had enough cash in my account to buy 2 shares :cry:

etrade takes days to process a money transfer

I’m still holding CLVS, maybe they can pivot to cancer-curing weed

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Would you say they are getting high?

Hopefully not on their own supply.

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