The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

It’s meant to be a springboard into being someone’s VP first. It’s not like he has good prospects running for office back home in Indiana.

If we game this out as Kamala Harris being the next person after Biden who will be nominated as president, we can imagine the pressure to put forward a white male who is not decrepitly old to “balance” the ticket. Does the left wing of the Democratic Party have someone they can groom to fit that demographic slot in four to eight years?

Massive amount of Pete’s support is because he’s gay. They don’t care about his policies. They just like being woke and posting erotic fanfics of him and his husband.


I don’t really understand the “who cares” mentality here. Why is the comparison to Elaine Chao? We can and should ask for more than what the GOP gives us, which is people who want to destroy the agency they head.

Transportation is important. I care about it. Our infrastructure is dogshit. And the message we send with appointments is important too. Our teachers would be more fired up if one of their own was Sec of Education. Same thing goes for Transportation. Things will be better.

This is how I feel about things (this tweet isn’t addressing your post, just in general)


I’d rather have a Republican leader and a Dem majority than a GOP majority.

Maybe a week ago I suggested demanding leadership positions or withholding votes for Pelosi, and offering them to a GOP Speaker in a trade for progressive committee chairs. I think this is a good plan of attack.

Remember, Pelosi believes power must always be taken, not given.

They have the votes but I guess they don’t see the point in putting the knife in Pelosi’s back just to get Jeffries, who can probably hold the job for a decade or more. Maybe they think the movement is better served by waiting to take down Nancy in 2-4 years and hoping they have the numbers to get a progressive Speaker.

This is very true about Pete and his haters.

BTW, lack of trash pickup is a hallmark of dystopianism. It’s one of the main environmental features in the new Cyberpunk2077 game, demonstrating how the very cool city is actually broken (see NY in the 70s), so Pete is right to care about it.


You say that like it’s a bad thing.

No it’s really not, people on this board have made it quite clear what the problems are and I’m sure elsewhere in the politics realm as well


Mitch is going to string him along for 6-8 months in negotiations, then pull the rug out from under him just as election season is on the horizon, the Dems will then be trying to defend the House on a newly gerrymandered map while Biden has accomplished ~nothing. Biden will be shocked, SHOCKED I tell you by the indecency… And he’ll have the Dems run in the midterms on more bipartisanship and meeting the GOP in the middle.

The GOP will run on socialist mobs of Antifa are coming to rape your wives and children and steal everything then burn your house down and murder you because Joe Biden is a dictator who’s coming for your guns, your Bible, and Christmas.

It makes no difference at this point, but they can’t be this stupid.

I think they actually plan it out together like a big Pay-Per-View wrestling match.

We got Neera Tanden and Pete Buttigieg, he’s done reaching out to progressives. Yes I’m serious and yes I know they’re both centrists. They are who we get.

Well he got this part right.


The Deputy Chief of Staff mouths off about the other side and gets into hot water is literally the pilot of the West Wing.


This is why I cannot take you seriously. I mean, besides the personal attacks and all. the DOT is a department of 55k people and a multi-billion dollar budget. SOT is a manager.

Now, if this person had suggested that Pete hire a career bus driver as Deputy SOT for urban transit or whatever, then I might take them seriously, because it would demonstrate that they understand how large organizations work.

Cabinet Secretaries, especially for things like HUD and DOT, are administrative posts. Driving a bus for 30 years, no matter how down to earth the person is, has no bearing on whether the person is capable of administering a huge government department.


Pete doesn’t have any experience competently running a 55k person organization either though.


moreover IME career bus drivers are centrists at best

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I would assume South Bend has thousands of employees.


Well, don’t let me point out the weird dichotomy I’ve been seeing over the past two days:

  1. Biden’s picks are too old and back to Obama and we need new/younger people!
  2. We need people with years of experience!

I’d still rather have someone who has managed 1k+ people and a 9-figure budget than someone who has never held an executive position.

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I’d rather have more servers like AOC…id even trade Peat for Biden…

No one is talking about Biden’s picks being too “old” here lol

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I would expect the bus driver to listen to other bus drivers and have a better sense of problems on the ground. I expect Pete to kowtow to his billionaire handlers and sell out popular policy to corporations the second he gets a chance. You know, what he did multiple times during the primary.

You write so many words about him without ever addressing his bought and sold nature. Which is why I call you a blatant propagandist. Congratulations on doing the work of billionaires and exacerbating the class war. You’re not even getting paid for it. sad


People have been complaining about how old Biden picks are.


Which is why I said:

As for this, it doesn’t deserve a response because it’s ridiculous, but you go on. We’ve all seen the studies about how presenting facts doesn’t change peoples’ minds, and in fact makes them dig in deeper…so why should I bother?

hah, yeah, I guess I see more of it on twitter.