The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

One of the many downsides to Republican Gerrymandering is that it also creates a bunch of very safe Dem seats, which I suspect makes it even harder for non-establishment Dems to win in a primary challenge vs. the old guard.

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It’s particularly insulting given how much tax revenue the government gets from educated millenials with high income but zero net worth. All of that but they can’t get you modern infrastructure, affordable housing or childcare, and you get to basically pay a six figure tax over time with interest because you went to school so that you could pay those taxes?

I’ve had a sinking feeling for a while that my life story is one of grinding my way up from the bottom quartile to the top 1% (not close to there yet) during a period of absolutely minimum social mobility + wealth inequality… and right when I summit that capitalist mountain the revolution will happen and I’ll end up with my head in a basket. Very demotivating.


I’d tell everyone who makes 200k+/year to go fuck yourself every day if I could.


This is so stupid for reasons that I hope are obvious.

Agree. Some real WallStreetJournalFamilies.jpg going on itt.

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Eat the rich.

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It’s a mega tired debate but the $200k a year white collar professional crowd is not rich and should not be your enemy. Really anyone whose income is on a W2 is not the problem.


Whatever you mean, it’s not obvious to me.


Essentially no one thinks they’re rich.

How about we help all people instead of some people


Also this

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they’re going to draw the “fuck you” line waaay south of 200k

The Dems literally can’t help themselves and will fuck this up like they fuck literally everything up. They dont get just forgiving it all is a winner politically, economically and from a social perspective as well.

It’s the Clinton/Obama third way disease. You acknowledge the problem. Instead of solving it when you have power you make some convoluted means tested system that is hated by all and you solve a tiny fraction of the problem while pissing everyone off. It’s Obamacare 2.0


The medium income where I live is 45k or so. Pretty sure that makes the 200k people rich even if they are broke and have spending issues.

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I guess since I consolidated my loans at a lower interest rate with a private company, I’d most likely be fucked if there was forgiveness?

I’ve got an idea. $1000/mo to everyone!


You are not helping all though. Those who did not go to college would get no help and even if not entirely true the reps are already pushing that it’s the working class bailing out the suits. Putting a means test in takes their argument away.

Helping all would mean giving everyone college or not the same amount of money.


But what if you make 200k and didn’t go to college? :thinking:

Under the help all idea? You get money too.

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