The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Maybe MysteryConman wants a Treasury Secretary who embraces MMT, or is at least friendly towards it.

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When are they going to make Diane Feinstein the Ambassador to the Moon?

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I’m sure he does which was my point of clarifying he means qualified as in approved by him.

I don’t say she wasn’t more qualified than them.

You are trying to pick a fight as if we grossly disagree when in reality we basically agree.

My overall point is yellen is more qualified than all of them.

How do you feel about MMT?

I’m interested in teasing out what you think makes someone qualified vs unqualified in a generic way not related to any specific nominee.

Dems shouldn’t just capitulate and only put forth people master mitch will approve. Make him strike down tons of cabinet picks. Show that he isn’t willing to work to govern, don’t just fucking give that to him jesus fucking christ.

Also qualified = been participating in the system thats been fucking the absolute shit out of us for the last several decades. Fuck your qualified.

I don’t like Warren because we shouldn’t put up any senators, too dangerous. But they should be putting people in soley to make Mitch shoot them down. Play fucking politics. Show people Mitch is a partisan hack.


LOL. This is already known and it’s exactly what the red team wants.

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I am a very strong, maybe radical, proponent. I think the single most harmful aspect of government is the lack of economics training and the persistent analogy between personal/home finances and state level finances. It might be the most destructive idea of all time if measured by the sum total of human suffering it has created.

I’m not convinced state debt matters at all, at least until you get to very extreme levels, and all states massively under generate liquid money in their economies.

The idea someone with my view, or even something close, would ever be treasury chair is insanity. :grin:

That is a boring answer as it’s training and experience relevant to the job. Nothing more fancy.

It really isn’t because dems are fucking horrible and spent the last several years saying Republicans are amazing people, just Trump man bad.

Seriously the vast majority of people saw the stimulus failures as a both sides issue. The vast majority of people think congress sucks because of both sides. Talk politics with your casual swing voter, none of them realize the real state of things. This is all a massive failure of democratic leadership. The vast majority of swing voters don’t realize how bad Mitch is.


It matters a lot when interest rates are higher.

Sure I agree in general, but you don’t need to do that in every case especially when the US is on the brink of the worst economic collapse it’s ever seen. If you have a good choice, who is not too centrist why not pick them? Use your other picks for a bigger fight.

This is a larger discussion for another thread but there are lots of examples, both in the real world and theoretical which don’t buy into this orthodoxy.

No one said she was unqualified.

Is just a BS thing to say. You do not know this. I have no idea how you can even type that out and hit reply. On top of being just a ridiculously absolute thing to say by someone who is in no position to evaluate the relative qualifications of every single person on Earth, it’s essentially trolling for a huge derail and bad posting.

Your post makes no sense. I didn’t say she was the most qualified person on earth. I said she is the most qualified person to hold the position. There have only been 77 of them.

This is hardly a radical opinion. It’s the byline of basically every article about her since she was picked. I’ve heard it said on like three different podcasts this weekend.

Well he did say “hold the role”, so a reasonable interpretation might be that the comparison is not with every other human it’s just with every other Secretary of Treasury. Although, I don’t think Clovis is in any position to evaluate that either, so your point still stands.

Edit: my pony is definitely not the most qualified pony to hold the role.

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Ok, but that.

@clovis8, since this is your opinion and you didn’t quote anyone, how about a ranking going back to Alexander Hamilton?

A progressive is somebody who is willing to expend political capital in order to advance progressive causes. Same definition for a liberal, conservative, etc. The actions people take define who they are.

A progressive choice, to me, would be somebody with a track record of pursuing and implementing progressive policy. Someone who when nominated, progressives will say, look she’ll fight for policy X, rather than progressives saying…maybe maybe we’ll be able to talk to her and then cross our fingers that she’ll do progressive policy X.

I am not aware of Yellen having that track record. If you disagree, and believe she has championed progressive policies, then I’m happy to change my mind.

Your article quotes a Liz Warren [say something nice] tweet, and Robert Rubin tweeting similar non specific praise. The reason that you and the article you posted do not highlight Yellen’s progressive accomplishments, is because she doesn’t actually have any.

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