The Transition of Joe Biden: what's everyone Yellen about?

Even if it was a great job, she probably prefers running for governor.

Who do you think ins a “legit straight competition”?

i sure hope harrison is pitching stacey right now for fair fight to move in and turn all the states purple or blue for him. especially with all that money he didn’t spend. best case scenario for his career is to hold or make gains in 2022, and then run again, right?

Good candidates who are good speakers with popular platforms. Instead of shitlibs drenched in party money and support running againsts the previously mentioned people being kneecapped?

I mean I still expect lots of shitlibs to win because this country is shitlib through and through but at least it’ll be shitlibs who can appear populist and win against fascists.

I think this was the original move by the shitlibs even in the beginning. It was 1,400 + 600 = 2k instead of 2k + 600.

1,400 would still be pretty cool. We will get 250 + wendys coupon 6 months down the road after lots of bi partisanship that still gets 0 republican votes.

I had deleted the post because I was high and was confused thinking I heard them talking about $2k checks after the $600 was passed but couldn’t remember and didn’t have time to check

But like this was posted after the $600 checks were passed so yeah dems kinda fucked themselves on the messaging for this. The check in the tweet even says $2000 on it, I’m thinking some Georgia voters will be pissed because he was saying $2,000 after the $600 was already sent out

And umm this isn’t clear

Also looks like Schiff here thought it was a new $2k check from his post yesterday

Now Kamala (who co-sponsored a bill for monthly $2k checks lol) is trying to say when Biden tweeted this after the $600 was out

He actually meant this

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Look Jack, you’re saying I promised a $2000 check. You’re a lying dog faced pony soldier. I said we’re sending out a reverse means tested $1400 additional stimulus, delivered over 27 months.


For the title of dumbest bag of rocks in Congress, a new contender emerges!



(Narrator: Not really.)



What, only good people are allowed PR?

I don’t know if this counts as PR for Epstein and I don’t know if she did more.

He also sought advice from Anita Dunn, a veteran Democratic operative who is now the top adviser to former Vice President Joe Biden as he seeks the Democratic presidential nomination.

“You should accept your fate graciously, and not seek to deny or discredit those who your behaviour has affected,” she wrote him, using British spelling.

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Who said that?

Yes, that was what I was going for. Poorly executed though, I guess.


Biden et al are dumb if they don’t cut 2k checks (used American spelling btw). Really dumb or totally beholden to their overlords (yeah, narrator, I know).

It’s votes in the bag as opposed to pissed off voters. Besides it’s been totally proven absolutely no one really gives a crap about deficit, esp when the GOP have consistently shown they’re happy to almost instantly cut out Trillion fig sums more of it for the benefit of the corporates and uber wealthy.

Biden making Science Advisor a cabinet-level position

Today I introduced my Science Team, the best science team to ever join the White House. The biggest brains. The best brains. Very very strong, powerful minds. Everyone’s saying they’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve got my son, Hunter, leading the team, along with his gogo dancer girlfriend and two top donors to my campaign. Very wealthy people, very smart. We’re gonna cure every cancer you can think of. Two weeks, tops. Unless the republicans rig it. Which they will. They’re on the side of cancer, they want you to die, they’re very very evil people.


On his first day in office alone, Mr. Biden intends a flurry of executive orders that will be partly substantive and partly symbolic. They include rescinding the travel ban on several predominantly Muslim countries; rejoining the Paris climate change accord; extending pandemic-related limits on evictions and student loan payments; issuing a mask mandate for federal property and interstate travel; and ordering agencies to figure out how to reunite children separated from their families after crossing the border, according to a memo circulated on Saturday by Ron Klain, his incoming White House chief of staff, and obtained by The New York Times.

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I can’t wait to see the genius that gets this post the next time a Republican is president.

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