The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Have to say the last episode of 1883 was hard to stomach. This stuff always gets me.


George Carlin’s American Dream


A great documentary over George Carlin. It’s about 3 hours long and goes through Carlin’s life in detail. What makes the documentary stand out is the amount of material that comes from Carlin himself, either through direct interviews or through his notes. The rest of the material comes from his daughter. The remaining sliver comes from other comedians and managers. They mostly fill in the context of why certain comedic things are important, but they’re not really foregrounded like a less documentary would have been, where this documentary would be an excuse of existing comics to opine. Rather Carlin himself is foregrounded; his thoughts, his marriage, and his relationship with his daughter and mother, all the way until the end.


BCS mid season finale delivering so far



I’d like to see Ol Slippin’ Jimmy wriggle his way out of this jam!

Major BCS spoilers

[spoiler]oh holy shit my goosebumps have goosebumps.

The entire setup, the private eye being in on it. Howard’s freakout in the room. Jimmy and Kim getting down while hearing the decision, Howard’s monologue. Howard nailing who Kim is dead to rights. The flame on the candle flickering when the door opened the second time. [/spoiler]

Biggest BCS question is does that soda can trick actually work?

I guess I picked the right time to get caught up on BCS. Tony Dalton and Lalo as a character are a revelation.

I love a good con / heist setup and payoff. Really well executed here. Pretty holy shit mid season finale

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Showed up spoilered on my end. I dunno

I just finished severance. Some questions

The middle episodes were kind of slow, so I zoned out a bit. I figure one of you may know the answers to these so I don’t have to search.

  1. Is Gemma severed?
  2. Has Dylan had a waffle party before? Has anyone else in MDR had one?
  3. Is it clear why exactly they’re firing Bert? It seems like break room set him straight.

Small thing that I didnt like about 1883: I think till episode 5 they were still in Texas. So when I look at the map there would be still a long way to go. So you either expect it to get rushed in the remaining 5 episodes or another season. I already read there will be another season but with a different pov so I was a little bit disappointed and then this end happened. Its also a little dissatisfying because now you had to believe they could just cross most of the area without any problems on the way.


Ha, that is fantastic. They probably wrote another piece “Why the Dad from Malcom in the Middle is a terrible lead for AMC’s new drama series”

Perfect summation of Atlanta Season 3. I felt pretty much the same about all of it. The anthology episodes are hit and miss and the other episodes are barely connected.

Anyone watch Animal Kingdom?

I searched for the writer and found that she did a podcast for Slate’s TV Club. Listening to the episode about the BCS pilot, she mentioned the article she wrote and said she was pleasantly surprised by the start of BCS (she said she had also seen the second episode at that point).

I thought it was funny that she and the other host didn’t understand who Chuck was. I assume it was rather obvious in the first episode, but while they thought he was Jimmy’s brother, they weren’t sure.

Pulling off 11 seasons of BB + BCS with consistently excellent quality is the #1 TV accomplishment and will be hard to top.


This is a good point. If we look at the Breaking Badverse as a whole, its likely that it rivals S2-8 of the Simpsons, but its gonna be close. 11 seasons of the Breakingverse is roughly 120 episodes, whereas the Simpsons is around 170 episodes with maybe 2-4 misses (if we count clip shows.)

Obviously two entirely different styles. Is episodic television or serialized television easier to write long term? Is comedy or drama? How many misses did BB/Saul have (I’d contend after rewatch that S2 of BB is undeniably not superb television though it certainly has its great moments) when compared to the Simpsons?

Id love to examine this semi-objectively. Maybe Ill do that some day

Frasier did like 20 solid years. Worf also around that many top quality appearances

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by 20 do you mean 11?

I wrote off BB initially cause I heard the synopsis of “Cranston gets drawn into meth dealing” and I was like “that doesn’t sound funny at all.”