The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Well I guess The Watcher is off my list now.

The Patient :+1:


I couldnā€™t imagine firing up something like The Watcher and being offended that itā€™s terrible

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First big laugh from me:

Iā€™m just kidding, Iā€™m not gonna fuck his skull

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That was fantastic.

yeah you gotta go in knowing it ainā€™t gonna claim the belt from the Wire or anything


I havenā€™t watched House of Dragons or LOTR at all. Which one should I tackle first? I loved GOT and am a huge Tolkienhead.

If youā€™ve read Tolkien but not Fire and Blood, you should watch HotD first because spoilers are more likely to ruin your enjoyment so you should get through it first to minimize contamination.


Yeah The Watcher is getting annoying. Itā€™s like The Undoing in a lot of ways. It thinks itā€™s very clever. Something is happening with the color palette, like each character has their own set of colors and it all definitely signifies something. Much like with The Undoing I guess Iā€™m going to keep watching because Iā€™m mildly interested in the outcome but Iā€™m giving this a C/C+ right now.

The Sandman. Better than both, IMHO.


Iā€™d say HOTD is better, but like GOT S1 have to be paying the utmost attention especially post time skip.

Finished Rings of power, still have the finale of HOTD to go*

Yeah same. Itā€™s getting weirder and weirder but not in the good weird sense. Just finished episode 6, Iā€™m pot committed now.

OK S5E7 is where I leave The Handmaidā€™s Tale to its work. This is ridiculous.

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I watched the dragon one and the elf one and I like the elf one better.

More excited about avenue 5 returning tho


how many bags is lotr? i cant get through hotd

Lotr I think because it has hobbits earns an automatic 5 bags

Hotd 3 bags. Coulda been 4 if at the end of the last episode she said ā€œdracarisā€ instead of just leaving. There werenā€™t any big twists that made me love the original game of thrones, idk.


Ofred has been elected the newest president, but instead of breaking the chains of the women in servitude she is using them as baby making factories to sell organs on the black market



Hmmm. Depends on where you left off I guess. And my memory of prior seasons is a little hazy. But basically June is in Canada with Nicole, the baby she had via the driver guy, who is now a big shot in Gilead (but also is her ā€œinside manā€ and feeds her info). The whole process of June escaping to Canada is riddled with ridiculousness. Fred and Serena end up jailed in Canada after theyā€™re captured, but they cooperate so are now traitors to Gilead. Also Serena hates Fred now. Then Canada decides to exchange Fred for some prisoners, but intentionally flubs the handoff so that June and a bunch of other handmaids can kill Fred (iirc they stone him). I am leaving out all kinds of bullshit, but Serena ends up as Gileadā€™s representative in Toronto, but sheā€™s also pregnant now lol. Serena and June hating each other and plotting each othersā€™ demise is basically the whole show at this point. June and Luke go BACK into Gilead trying to get info on their daughter but of course they get caught. Serena finds out that June has been caught and is going to be killed so sheā€™s like ā€œI want to do itā€ and they let her? But instead of shooting June she shoots her guard or whatever and she and June take off (this is because, I think, this family sheā€™s been staying with is planning to keep her baby and she realizes this, so now SHEā€™S the handmaid!). But then she starts having her baby while she and June are escaping, and of course June is the only person there and is going to help her deliver the baby. This is the point at which I quit the show.