The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert


Is it okay to kink-shame Larys?

Filming on House of the Dragon season 1 started in April 2021 and started airing in August 2022. Filming on season 2 may begin in January 2023.


because of you guys I resumed watching hotd. reluctantly.

I’m finding it not very creepy, I think because of how stylized it is, if that makes sense. Just very not real. It’s freaking my wife out though. I don’t love it but I’m in for the run.

I need the movie version of HOTD. I don’t know that I have it in me to wait around for another 10 years hoping these fuckers get got.

HOTD question:

Is all of the book material that HOTD is based on already written? Or is it like GOT where GRRM hasn’t finished part of the story yet?

The ending to this particular part of Targaryen history has been written and published by Martin.

Just watched (heh) the first episode tonight. Not too creepy yet except for the second letter. Certainly bodes well for future creepiness.

You can spend a few minutes on the asoiaf wiki and get the outline of the dance of dragons. Sounds like this will be a 3-4 season story.

Seriously. She could have ended them all right there. Instead she flees so that they can fight a fucking protracted war.

yeah this absolutely makes sense, it’s not the level-1 creepy, it’s more like metacreepy.

Also mia farrow is megatilting, A+++ performance, I want to turn the TV off every time she shows up.


The ending went from “this is pretty awesome” to WTF in a few seconds. My favorite parts of this show are the dragons. They are the real stars here. Watching the dragon wreck shit was the best part of the show, until it just screamed then fucked off.

Anyways, what was up with the Alicent vs. Otto race to find Aegon story? Was she just worried about Otto convincing Aegon to have Rhaenyra and Daemon killed? Or was there more to it? It seemed weird.

What made GoT so good were the characters and how they introduced them and brought them along. This show is doing a mostly poor job of that. It feels like they assume we know more as if we had read the books or something.

What made GoT so good was that Martin had written proper character development that they just mimicked for several seasons. A surprising takeaway from the GoT was that maybe Martin is somehow underrated as a writer. It’s a real skill to develop characters the way that he does in the books, but he is largely dismissed as “just a fantasy writer”.

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Yeah I have no idea if the source material for this has as good of character development as GoT or not. If it does, the showrunners are definitely screwing it up.

I haven’t read any Martin beyond the ASOIAF books, but my understanding is that all his other stuff is more like comic books and sketched out overviews of history. Nothing like the deeply personal stuff in the books. The way that ASOIAF is written from all these rotating first person perspectives is absolutely amazing - one of the big challenges in creating good writing is to establish clear motives and empathy for the main characters. Martin’s clever use of this One Neat Trick to make that easy was a master stroke. Other Writers Hate Him!

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Lots of the rotating narratives can be read almost as individual works too - which is super hard to do with the complexity in which he does it.

I stopped reading any of it though, because he won’t finish. I believe I left off somewhere during his last published book when I realized it was gonna be a lot of cliffhangers.

Yeah, I can’t help myself. I just really loved the books.

I think that even if he doesn’t finish, his messy drafts will be published anyway. There’s too much money to be made to just sit on them. I think he has a bunch of unfinished work that they will just print and make a million bajillion dollars.

Im firmly in the “never going to finish” camp, but I thought the same about the Dark Tower, then King nearly died, and then 3 years later he was like “Haaaaaaaaa, just kidding, here’s 600K words in 14 months, enjoy!”

It doesn’t have any character development, the source material is just a short summary of what happened in the style of what you’d see in a history book. The TV folk here actually have a lot of work to do unlike the GOT guys who just coasted along for 5 seasons.

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My theory is that Dany’s ending was more or less what Martin envisioned and he has not reacted well to fans rejecting her flipping from hero to villain that quickly, when the whole point of the series is to set fans up for that last reversal and mess with their heads. Dany’s heel turn is supposed to feel more awful than the Red Wedding.

Does he try to come up with a new ending or does he muddle through towards a resolution that he knows will be despised by many?

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