The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Whenever I was watching HOTD, I was like “this is alright, but it ain’t GOT”. E8 was awesome enough in it’s own right that I didn’t feel the need to make the comparison.


Joe Wilkinson is my spirit animal!

For All Mankind is absolutely ridiculous but I still enjoyed S3.

Pretty much sums it up. It was pretty tight the first season. Not an unusual tv show arc with soap opera elements creeping in.

Still the overall concept of an alternative space race is fascinating.

Good HOTD ep I thought. Aemond shaping up as a moustache-twirling villain.

I want to like it, but I feel like they fucked up Rhaenyra’s character. Remember the Rhaenyra from the first half who rode in on a dragon, stared down her uncle, and took the egg back? Then seduced her guard cuz why not? What happened to that Rhaenyra? This new one is boring a shit. She’s like a generic suburban mom now. Her kids are lame as hell too.

I think the pacing of HotD has been atrocious and what I assume is the main plot should have been well underway by now. They didn’t need 8 hours of background to get all the pieces positioned on the board.

I don’t know, I appreciate the deep background, it gives you a sense of the tragedy of it. There are too many shows which do establishment of motivation in like one scene where you’re like “oh OK Alicent is resentful of Rhaenyra because she has followed the rules her whole life and Rhaenyra has flaunted them” but the relationship between those characters is quite a bit more subtle than that, and you need time to show that. For character-driven shows like GOT and HOTD I think that’s important.

She got old and felt the weight of responsibility. Like this show and GOT before it are about the operation of a rigid social order, and how that order absorbs and chews up the desires of individuals. Like Alicent in the early eps was grossed out by incest, now she’s betrothing her children to each other. Rhaenyra was a rebel girlboss, now shes birthing children and playing hardball politics to get them on the throne. There’s the prophecy too of course.

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I have to give props to Paddy Considine. Whatever problems there are with HotD, he did do some great acting

hot fuzz


I’m loving HotD fwiw, and +1 to Paddy Considine props.

Pretty funny that earlier this week I say a Twitter trend about fans complaining the show was too dark. I was like, “shit, should I warn my wife? I mean, it’s already been pretty gruesome at times, if it’s really getting darker, she might not be into it” and then halfway through the show I was like, “why is it so dark? Wait, oh my god…”

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Also I haven’t seen much Andor talk in this thread but I’m enjoying the hell out of it. I thought Rogue One was awesome and Diego Luna really nailed it. He’s nailing this as well. Oceans 11 but make it Star Wars is an awesome concept and I’m looking forward to the rest of it.

I kinda have two separate complaints that I’m haphazardly jumbling together. I do think the main act should have been underway a few weeks ago. But I also think the pacing could have been done better within the 8 episode deep dive we got instead. It’s felt very uneven to me with unexpected developments and unintentional red herrings that seemed sloppy and poorly conceived.

I’m still watching the show. I don’t hate it or anything. I just think the storytelling could have and should have been tightened up.

oh fuck me, I knew he looked familiar

I stopped watching after they did the dumbest thing ive ever seen on tv and after that magnificent finale and cliffhanger they fuckin changed all the main actors

The main plot starts with that dinner. I don’t know how you get to that point without a lot of backstory. As it is, I think it feels rushed, but I think the show has been committed to at least one death per episode.

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CBS sold the streaming rights to the show to NBC.

its getting good again.

Yah I’m really loving HOTD and Andor.

OTOH, LOTR has been a bit of a grind. I’m having trouble getting caught up b/c I lose interest after about 5-10 minutes of turning it on.