The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

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Skip archer rewatch and watch frisky dingo



Such an underrated show.

i can feel it down in my plums

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This might excuse all the stupid shit Discovery has done the last three months

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Can’t believe the last season was almost 10 years ago.


I didn’t dig the last episode of industry. I know Harper is supposed to be a self destructive genius, but this episode

was her getting fucked by reddit investors and doing an stupid angle shoot that’s getting her canned from Piermont and canned from her client. She’s burned every bridge with every person in a record pace this season.

Yasmin’s great as usually though for the life of me I don’t know why Kenny continues to have screen time.

Also, and this how much the guy is just spinning his wheels in the show, I can’t remember the guys name but I just don’t care about the guy working in the Tory political office. His story needs to get going.

hey thanks for the spoilers!

Oops sorry. I blurred it for others


I dunno how he has time, but Gaiman runs all his socials himself, including tumblr, and somehow manages to dunk on nearly every idiotic troll in his mentions. Even if they’re some 6-number handle with 10 followers.

He also answers questions honestly, even weird fandom stuff like “how many days did it take Morpheus to get his tools back in the show” or “why do we never see Dream eat” or “is Hob Gadling a history teacher now”

He has somehow managed to walk the tightrope between rabid fans demanding things on one side and staying true to his artistic vision in the other. So many creators could learn something here.


Not really sure Darnell has any idea what a Mary Sue is. Which is sad for a supposed nerd.

Nope. Also he doesn’t know anything about Tolkien

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It’s unfathomable to me how people can care so much about this stuff.


It’s unfathomable to me how many closeted misogynists and racists insist on telling on themselves over movies and tv shows.

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I’m not excusing the racism, misogyny, or homophobia, but you know…it’s the same with any hobby or pastime. If it’s something you’re passionate about, you get invested. The real trouble is not knowing how/when to detach.

Finding people who enjoy the same things as you gives a sense of belonging, especially when today’s world has less and less opportunity for that. Unfortunately, that can lead to bad outcomes as well as good. It’s the same reason MAGA arose.


A lot of them lack the insight to identify the root of their “art criticism” as simple racism and sexism.

idk, extreme fandom is just inherently weird to me. When these arguments pop up they remind me of the heated debates over religious doctrine that eventually lead to schisms and centuries of war.