The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert


*Andy Whitfield


I love Spartacus. I think itā€™s perfect.

I also watched the Rings show and it seemed OK to me as well. Iā€™m not an huge Lord of the Rings fan so even if everything is wrong I probably wouldnā€™t know it. Like the show didnā€™t seem amazing or anything but Iā€™ll continue to watch.


Watched the first two episodes of this season, and I feel like they should really be trying to wrap up the series.

We were past peak Archer even before the idiotic coma seasons. And now, with such an important character out of the picture, it really seems like a good time to end the show.

Wait, they got rid of her? Couldnā€™t they just have someone else voice her. Obviously thatā€™s worse than the OG doing it, but better than getting rid of the character all together.

Iā€™d be surprised if they couldnā€™t find someone who couldnā€™t do a spot on Walter impression.

Eh, I donā€™t know if that would be a good idea.

Not sure what the normal precedent is for when that happens. Only other example I can think of is Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz from The Simpsons (who also disappeared after Phil Hartman died).

It would feel dirty but Iā€™m pretty sure with a good voice actor, about half the people wouldnā€™t give a shit, and many of those may not even notice. Thatā€™s a huge advantage of animation.

Archer has been in decline since about season 3 and became unwatchable around season 5 imo. For a while I thought I was just sick of the showā€™s schtick, but when I go back and watch the old ones theyā€™re still good.

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Some of the absolute funniest TV ever. Right up there with the Thanksgiving episode of WKRP.

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This is some peak sitcom right here, Iā€™m not sure that magic can ever be captured again.

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The coma seasons were mostly terrible though I liked the final episode of Archer: 1999.

The seasons afterwards havenā€™t been bad but they lack the humor of the early seasons. Show has definitely jumped the shark. Still gonna watch the new season though.

Grunching but does anyone know why in the new LoTR series the scenes where Galadriel is on the raft are processed weird so that there are weird blue and yellow hues all over?

not gonna get the exact quote so prob butchering it but:

ā€œgo get some sand so i can rub it in your eyes when you get backā€
ā€œwhat kind of sand, sir?ā€
ā€œI dont know butā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. courseā€

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I have to go. But if I find one single dog hair when I get back, Iā€™ll rubā€¦sandā€¦in your dead little eyes.

Very good, sir.

[pause] I also need you to go buy sand.

Yes, sir.

I donā€™t know if they grade it, butā€¦ coarse.

Also an all-timer:

Archer: Letā€™s Talk this out.
Lana: Talk what out? How you ruined my chance to work for ODIN? Or, ooooh, maybe how I just caught my boyfriend balls deep in some French chick.
Archer: Ex-Boyfriend I bet.
Lana: Ya think?
Archer: Yeah. Heā€™s not coming back. That chick was like, the PelĆ© of anal.


Fake deer in the dragon show looked really fake.


dragon ex machina

ARCHER: Lana, no! Youā€™ll kill us all!

LAMMERS: For the last time, you idiot! Itā€™s not hydrogen! Itā€™s helium!

LANA: And what about that are you still not getting, exactly?

ARCHER: Well, obviously the core concept, Lana. Sorry I didnā€™t go to space camp.


Yā€™all making me want to rewatch Archer.