The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything



Right, exactly this. If you get the chance, you’ve got to hit them in every place where they are abusing the system. Voting rights, national Holliday for voting, increase states, amnesty. Boom. Done. Sane people have control of the federal government for a couple decades.

Yes, and also they will turn North Dakota into 20 different states, all with two senators apiece.

Your concern here is valid. There’s something to be said for a government with norms that operates in good faith and there will definitely be unforeseen consequences when these norms are broken. On the other hand, the Republicans have already decided they’re going to disregard all of these norms, so I see no solution other than to jam-pack the Supreme Court and add extra states and deal with the consequences afterward.

The second blow was Republicans refusing to indict Trump during the impeachment hearings. The voters nominating a dangerous incompetent assclown is bad, but theoretically our system is designed to handle that kind of thing via impeachment. Ofc that doesn’t work if one side of the aisle gives zero fucks about America backsliding into fascism.

I think you’re correct: an alternate timeline where Garland gets on the bench then Trump gets elected and removed from office, all that would be embarrassing but we could recover from it. The basic framework of our government breaking up launches us into new and very frightening territory.

I’m still salty because my lawnmower went ballistic during the Garland affair and at the time some of y’all were like “You’re making too big a deal out of this, Trolly.”



Like I said.

My hope is that if Mitch fills the seat they get decimated in the election. Biden will get to fill one seat, then we just keep winning elections and wait out Thomas and Alito.

The court will do terrible things between now and then but each successive change the court makes will increase voter enthusiasm and Republicans stay in the minority for a generation or more.

Packing the court isn’t a winning strategy. As much as I would like to see it happen, long term it would help Republicams because it looks so partisan.

The court that Mitch’s donors want to see isn’t about Roe or even the second amendment. Its about corporate rights. Having power over people, and voters from both parties will see through that and say now.

I know I’m living in fantasy land here but thats the way I hope it goes down.

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Your congressman is pretty moderate for such a safe seat. It may be the case that his district has become much bluer recently like Issa’s old district or Skydiver’s candidate’s district, but Scott Peterson is the type of incumbent that should be primaried by a progressive.

Ted Lieu’s twitter game is better than his voting game.

Well, I appreciate your prescience. I told my ex-wife the night of Trump’s election that it wouldn’t be as bad as she said. It’s been worse. My bad.


Some of you have never dealt with sociopaths before and it shows. What it this stuff about being afraid of them “doing it back?” That isn’t one of the chapters in the psychopath’s handbook. Not enough laughs for these Twitter accounts talking about packing the court with 13 [gasp!] judges. The correct answer is hundreds. Maybe thousands. The correct answer is fuck you. The correct answer is imma cook ur whole family and serve them as steak tartare at my next coastal elite ivory tower gala dinner. When I was a child, I learned to play nice and to play fair, because that’s the only way this whole thing works. But if you’re the asshole who breaks it, eventually you get your ass kicked, usually by someone bigger than you. We’re bigger than them.


This was my post in the 2p2 prediction thread in nov 16. Still drawing very live.

I can tell you what won’t happen, as we have about 10 year advantage on you guys in electing Trump-like candidate.

At no point would the American people say “oh, that was a crappy mistake, look at all the **** that happened since Trump was elected”.
From now on every ****ty thing that will happen (and A LOT of ****ty things will happen) is going to be blamed on the liberals/left wing/obama/hillary/the media/SCOTUS.

After 4 years of every prediction that you can come up with, Trump will get reelected on a platform of being MORE TRUMP. Explaining that he was held back by leftist or liberals or moderate republicans.

It will take a whole lot longer than you think for the “left” to get back in power, even though things will get much worse in every aspect of life.


Maybe finally the left realizes it has to be ruthless.

(Too soon?)


Dude. The republicans already ended this.

You can either step up and hit them back or sit back and watch this country turn to shit.


I thought the same thing when someone here said “13 judges”

If you are packing the court then pack the fucking court

45 sounds like a nice round number.

Republicans “oh that’s not fair”

Merrick garland motherfuckers.

As opposed to not seating Garland, nuking the SCOTUS filibuster, and ramming Kavanaugh and whoever Trump picks now through? You can’t be bipartisan when the other party’s entire mantra is to be the party of no.

Not packing the court is being a punching bag.

Only if we take the Senate and even then only Breyer, so it’ll stay 6-3. We’re likely 15+ years away from any chance to fill a conservative seat and 20+ away from getting a second shot. But of course if a Republican wins the presidency with an aging conservative you can reset the block y. So with your strategy, best case we could flip the court by 2040.

So what? The SCOTUS strikes down any progressive law.

It would sound so ridiculous to add 45, and what’s the point?

Just saw a deplorable post a video of Biden saying how the Democrats are such massive hypocrites. It has Biden saying the people have to vote before filling the seat, followed by him arguing the opposite in 2016.

These fuckers are radicalizing me quicker than I ever thought possible. I am ready to smash someone’s face in. And I am the least confrontational person you’ll ever meet otherwise. Like pack the court with 1,000 socialist judges. Make being a Republican a capital offense. Free abortions for every man, woman, and child. It’s time to end Republicans for the next 200 years.

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Thing is we dont even need to get radical, just fair and it would basically end Republicans as a political party anyways.


Making it so that SCOTUS isn’t dominated by a couple of conservative Justices for the next 40 years. Basically just increasing our sample size of Justices to reduce the impact of outliers in either direction.

Which are the courts where you get a random selection of judges on a panel? Circuit? District? Can SCOTUS be made to operate the same way? Can that be done through legislation?

For whatever BS reasons, “lol fuck you” doesn’t work for the Dems. Sadly, I think they get wrecked electorally if they add 5 SCOTUS justices. But you should be able to sell a restructuring where you say, this is dumb, 9 people shouldn’t dictate every aspect of our lives. Let’s run this like other federal courts. And still tilt it in your favor adding a bunch of justices to the rotation.

Not if they do other stuff, HR 1 most importantly.

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