The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Really big win for tribes (is that an appropriate way to refer to them?) today: Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) viewed as constitutional, which was not at all an obvious outcome. Alito and Thomas dissent.

Gorsuch really loves him some pro-Indian votes.

Has Thomas ever been on the correct side of anything? Heā€™s the worst of the worst.

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No. Apparently even Long Dong Silver used a fake penis.


This Home Depot one is actually about a specific legal point, but based on this description of the facts, it looks like the good guys won.

Alito got caught by ProPublica so he runs to the WSJ op-ed page.


Hereā€™s the ProPublica article. They even manage to show that Scalia did the same thing, take a fancy trip with a conservative mega-donor, in connection with the Federalist Society. If I were naive Iā€™d say the Federalist Society provides a nice chummy networking opportunity between justices and the rich donors who fund their movement, but luckily Iā€™m wise to know that theyā€™re just a debating society.


Kavanaugh likely accepted (at a minimum) hundreds of thousands in bribes and no1curr despite it being incredibly obvious before he was even confirmed, including Democrats, so this is all whatever at this point.

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I think we can all agree that Sam did a great service by not letting that seat go empty on the private jet. Think of all that wasted carbon.

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The Federalist Society is non-partisan sir. Itā€™s really the liberal justices who are partisan for refusing to participate in it.

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Gosh Iā€™m glad that private jet didnā€™t go down. Think of the crisis of having to replace two SCOTUS justices at once!


If that happened, the Dems would negotiate against themselves and make a deal with Rs that Ds get to pick one and Rs get to pick one. Bipartisanship! Then theyā€™d confirm the R pick and then the Rs would refuse to confirm the D pick. Ds would be Deeply Concerned.


Rs would claim it was an assassination and insist both replacements be conservatives.


Why couldnā€™t Thomas have a buddy who want to take him to explore the Titanic?


No Walmart parking lots under the sea

@mosdef - whatā€™s the actuarial odds of Thomas or Alito crossing the rainbow bridge before Jan 2029?

Also Jan 2027 if Biden loses the Senate in the 2026 midterms, which seems to happen a lot to a two term president.

White collar men in that age range have mortality rates of (ball park) 1.5% per year. So the chance that a single, relatively affluent 73/74 year old would die in the next 5 and half years is roughly 8%. The chance that at least one of the two dies is something like 15%.

Both those fuckers are going to hell*

*as Iā€™ve stated I donā€™t believe in heaven but I want to there to be a hell cause some people just deserve it.

Late to this but man you guys are overthinking this. Thomas is just a partisan conservative in the mold of a David Sacks or Dinesh Dā€™souza who happens to hold one of the most powerful seats in the country. His wife is a Jan 6 Qanon fanboy and likely wears the pants in the relationship. Trying to ascribe some overarching philosophy to his judicial opinions is bonkers.

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I think we can bump that up a little for Thomas - he looks unhealthy AF. So basically we have something like 22 vs. AA.

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